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Emily looks at everything around her.

"Emily. Are you sure she'll like this?" Clara asks.

Emily nods.

"It's her birthday," Emily says.

"Emi. She never made a big deal about her birthday," Clara says.

"Come on. She'll love this," Emily says.

"Not. She didn't like being born. Why would she like thinking about that day yearly?" Ralph asks.

"She-. Just play along," Emily says.

Ralph rolls his eyes and sits on Emily's bed.

"So. Is she coming?" Clara asks.

"Yup. Her Detention should have ended by now," Emily says.

The three start talking until the door unlock's.

"Hi Kathleen," Clara says.

Kathleen looks at them, takes her jacket and get's out.

"Shit. Didn't work," Ralph says.

Kathleen show's her head out of the door.

"Have fun," She says.

She Then leave's.

"Well. That was-... Is She alright?" Ralph asks.

"I don't think so," Clara says.

'Where did you go 😕?'

'Sorry. I just need time. Had the worst day.'

'What is it'

'I got bigger problems than a teacher.'

'How so'



'With the person that made me try drug's.'


'He needs to speak with me. I ain't an addict. Just. In big problems with the lad.'

'...What kind'

'I ain't gettin' shot. Just better to have me there.'


'Ye asking a lot. He is here soon.'

'You didn't answer me.'

'Shit. Gotta go. Bye 😉.'

'You never use emoji😕'

'Shit. Sorry. Well. See ye?'

'Okay? When?'

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