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"Kathleen!" A boy yells.

"What is it Ralph?" She asks.

"A new lass!" Ralph yells.

"In here?" Kathleen asks.

"Yea'. We get a roomie!" Ralph yells.

"Not in this room," Kathleen says.

"Of course in here! Why not?" Ralph asks.

"I don't want another one! Clara is too much," Kathleen says.

"You have something with my future wife?" Ralph asks.

Kathleen looks at Ralph.

"Really? Are ya gonna ask?" She asks.

"Yeah. Soon," Ralph says.

Kathleen rolls her eyes and gets up carefully.

"I need to change. Turn," Kathleen says.

"I'm turning," Ralph says.

He turns and Kathleen gets other clothing on.

"Turn," Kathleen says.

Ralph turns to see the girl.

"You look good. Anyway. I'll go get the new one. Be nice," Ralph says.

"No promises Pup," Kathleen says with a fake laugh.

"I'm a WOLF. Not a PUP," Ralph says.

"Okay. Calm down Wolf," Kathleen says.

"Same to you McLaine," Ralph says.

"Go on," Kathleen says.

Ralph leaves and Kathleen looks into the mirror.

"Why do i even try?" She whispers.

Dark blue jeans, Black t-shirt, Black hoodie and Black socks.

"Stop!" Kathleen screams.

"Useless! Stupid! Rotten! Zombie!"

"Don't!" Kathleen screams.

Kathleen cries and cries while kicking the wall. Her body falls to the floor. She doesn't move. She can't.

"Okay Kathleen. Breath," Kathleen says.

Her shaking body slowly calms down with her breathing. Kathleen gets her phone and looks at it and sees a message.

'Hey. I'm with the new one. She is really cool. Be there in 20!'

Kathleen sighs and gets her shoes. Then her phone rings.

"Hello," Kathleen says.

"Come outside! We are there soon!" Ralph yells.

"Calm down," Kathleen says.

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