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Kathleen looks out the window while waiting.

"Are ye ready soon?" She asks.

"Yup," Emily answers.

Kathleen sighs and looks down at her clothes. She has Black jeans and a blue shirt that has glitter on it. As Well as a blue glitter belt.

"Okay then," Emily says.

She gets in.

"How do i look?" Emily asks.

Emily is wearing a short pink glitterly dress with a white belt. With pink high heal's.

"Ye look amazin'," Kathleen says.

Emily also has a white choker necklace. Her hair is on a up-do and she has big pink earring's.

"Before you ask, these were pretty cheap," Emily says.

"I know. Ye are good with money," Kathleen says.

Emily smiles.

"Until now. We are going out for a drink. Aren't we?" Emily asks.

"Yup," Kathleen says.

Emily smiles and takes her bag.

"I'm gonna say. If you ask me on a date, you are the one paying," Emily says.

"Not a problem. The house is up for sale. I will HOPEFULLY sell it before the summer," Kathleen says.

Emily laughs and put's her jacket on.

"So. Have you thought about, where You'll move?" Emily asks.

"Not really. If i get lucky, i get one just a buss from here," Kathleen says.

"You don't want into the city?" Emily asks.

"No. I want to live out of it," Kathleen says.

"Oh. Interesting. Well. I think You'll get one. You are in luck-," Emily says.

"Irish luck," Kathleen whispers.

Emily nods laughing.

"Thank God the buss stop is near," Emily says.

Kathleen puts on a man's party shoes and her Black jacket.

"Let's go," Emily says.

Kathleen and Emily walk out of the dorms and get to the buss.

"Where are ye lovely lassies goin'?" The driver asks.

"It ain't far. Ye ain't gonna drive us over three stops," Kathleen says.

"Oh," the driver says.

"To a pud actually," Kathleen says.

Emily get's into the buss. Kathleen behind her.

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