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Kathleen and Emily get ready for getting their end score's.

"This year went by faster than the last," Emily says.

"Yeah. It was normal. Last year was crazy," Kathleen says.

The two sit on the front. Holding hand's.

"Emily Johanson."

Emily gets up with a smile. Her hair flying in the wind.

"Congratulations Emily."

Emily steps back down. They Wait for Kathleen. Only best student's and failing grade's are left.

"Kathleen McLaine."

Kathleen looks down at her feet. Keeping her eyes out of the other student's.

"Many Congratulations Kathleen."

Kathleen opens it and her eyes go wide.

"This-," She starts.

She goes to show it to Emily.

"HOLY SHIT!" Emily yells.

Kathleen looks at the paper. One of the best ending grade's.

"Let's go get coffee," Emily says.

Kathleen nods. Feeling her pocket.

"Let's," She says.

They walk into the shop.

"Hi James," Emily says.

James comes over with a man.

"This is Michael," he says.

Kathleen waves.

"Can i get ice tea?" Emily asks.

"Same to me," Kathleen says.

The boys leave and Kathleen looks at her phone.

"So. Emily. What now?" Kathleen asks.

Emily sighs.

"I'll probably look for a job," She says.

Kathleen gives her a book.

"It hasn't got a picure yet," Kathleen says.

Emily start reading. A smile soon grow's on her lips.

"It's beautifully written," Emily says.

Kathleen looks at it.

"I can't sell it without a cover," She says.

Emily thinks.

"I can try drawing something for you. I haven't yet got a Job. So," Emily says.

Kathleen looks happy.

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