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Emily and Kathleen walk into the school building. Ready to have a normal year.

"Ye look perfect," Kathleen says.

Emily kisses her cheek.

"So do you, Love," She says.

They could hear people whisper.

"I love ye," Kathleen says.

Emily giggles.

"Love you more," She says.

They had gotten use to being a couple easily. It was different and they knew that. They were officially going out now. It wasn't something, Where you thought the other had friendzoned them.

"I love you the most," Kathleen says.

She kisses Emily on the lips to seal the deal.

"Okay," Emily says.

Her Brown eyes shine in the sun. Beautiful shade of Brown. Very light in the middle. Darker the more the colour left the middle. Almost Black at the last part. The most beautiful eyes. Who said brown eyes aren't pretty? Those, Who say Shit like that, don't know Emi's eyes. The most beautiful brown.

"Are you two together or something?" A boy asks.

Kathleen puts her head on Emily's Black hair. Hearing the smaller woman giggle.

"What do ye think?" Kathleen asks.

She hug's Emily's middle with her awkwardly long arm's while Emily giggle's again.

"Oh my god! You totally are!" He yells.

Emily laughs. The sound making firework's go off in Kathleen's heart. She loves her baby girl with all her heart and it feel's amazing.

"Have you guys had sex?" A girl asks.

"I'm A. I don't want to have sex," Emily says.

"And She is perfect just like that," Kathleen says.

"Faggot's!" A boy yells.

Suddently, like lightning, someone attack's the boy.

"Oh. Sorry. I'm Sam. Bi-gender," They say.

They give their hand to Emily and Kathleen.

(I wanted to put myself in. So. Hello there. Sam is me. ~Author.)

"Hi Sam," Emily says.

Sam nods.

"Shouldn't be making fun of people. I get SO defencive over the person getting bullied. Especially. Well. If someone talks Shit about mental health, you are dead. As a proud depressed person. Sorry. I talk. I just hate awkward silence. I talk so that won't happen. So. Yey. Um. I should get going. Don't mind them. They are just idiots. If one gives you trouble, call on me. Sam-a-bi-gender-hero shall rescue you. Sorry. I'm a big nerd. Too much superheroes. Too many South Park episode's. I like South Park. It's funny. I always loved Kyle. I Also like Kenny. But. Stan and Craig are okay. I don't like Cartman. Like. If I met him, i'd punch him so much. He is racist and-. Yeah. I talk too much," Sam says.

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