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Emily, Clara and Kathleen all are sitting around for tea.

"Why did you tell us to go for tea out of all things?" Clara asks.

"I LOVE tea," Emily says.

Kathleen is doing her homework quietly.

"What would you like?" The worker asks.

"Mint tea," Clara says.

"My friend would like Black tea and I'll take White tea," Emily says pointing to Kathleen and then herself.

"Anything else?" The worker asks.

"Um," Emily says.

"I'd take one Madeleine," Clara says.

Kathleen rolls her eyes at Emily.

"And She'll have a scone," Kathleen says.

"Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, Blueberry or lemon?" The worker asks.

"Lemon. Thanks," Emily says.

"And for you?" The worker asks looking at Kathleen.

"She'll take a lemon bar," Emily says.

(Am i making British people mad yet?~Anna P.S. I'm gonna make everyone call me Fi. You just wait.)

Kathleen continues to write as Emily and Clara talk about the baby.

"Where did Ralph even go?" Emily asks.

"To see his mum? He sees her more often since She is getting worse," Clara says.

"Have you met his mom?" Emily asks.

"I have. Such a nice lady," Clara says.

"'Laby'?" Emily asks.

"She is on her 50's," Clara says.

"Oh. How old is Ralph's brother?" Emily asks.

"One is 30 and one is 10," Clara says.

"So. She was a young mom?" Emily asks.

"She was 24 at her first child," Clara says.

"Okay. Anything else?" Emily asks.

"Their little bro will never walk," Kathleen says.

"So. Is he in a wheel chair?" Emily asks.

Kathleen and Clara nod.

"Last time i saw the little guy, he was 8. So. 2 years ago," Kathleen says.

"How long have you been his friend?" Emily asks.

"Almost 8 years," Kathleen says.

"I remeber meeting you for the first time. You were more like a mum to Ralph Then his actual mum,"  Clara says.

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