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Emily sighs and starts a video chat with her brother.

"Hi Emi-. Why are you upside down?" Aaron asks.

"I feel like it. How are you?" Emily asks.

"Cool. But. Emi. I'm nervous," Aaron says.

"How so?" Emily asks.

"Sara and i are going on a date. But. She is not like the others. She is the coolest girl to ever live," Aaron says.

"Tell me about her," Emily says.

"Well. She kinda acts like She know's everything and she loves chocolate. She isn't one to talk about me being trans. Everyone We talk to she says, 'This is Aaron. He is really nice.' So. Yeah. She Also paints. I asked her. She doesn't like drawing. She doesn't mind soccer and doesn't understand football. That's okay. I tell her about it. She has the most beautiful smile and she like's being positive. She is just the perfect girl," Aaron says.

Emily rolls her eyes and nods.

"What are you two gonna do?" Emily asks.

"We are going to see a Theater thing. I think it was some Finnish thing. I'm not sure? It's either translated to Finnish or a Finnish play," Aaron says.

"How well can you speak Finnish?" Emily asks.

"Pretty well? I can't speak it as well as i understand it," Aaron says.

"I actually went to movie's with a girl the other day," Emily says.

"Did you two hit it off?" Aaron asks.

"We are just friend's," Emily says.

"Oh. Okay. How is it hanging with Kathleen?" Aaron asks.

Emily rolls her eyes.

"I ain't hangin' too well," Kathleen says walking in.

"How was the meeting?" Emily asks.

"I think i only have Detention?" Kathleen asks.

"What did you do?" Emily asks.

"Nothin'. Little shit's got me at the wrong mood an'. Well," Kathleen says.

"What did you?" Emily asks.

"I may have hit one of them in self defence," Kathleen says.

"Not that bad," Emily says.

"Those fooker's think otherwise," Kathleen says.

"What?" Emily asks.

"I have two hours Detention," Kathleen says.

"They can't do that," Emily says.

"Not all. It's with the shitty Professor," Kathleen says.

"Your creative writing?" Emily asks.

"Yup," Kathleen says.

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