1st Nomination

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Carmella sat with Dean at a table poolside over a gourmet dinner that was awarded to them for being the winning team.

VC-Carmella-So I havent spoken to Dean all day until now. It just feels kinda awkward but I hope he at least remembers something.

"Dean, can I ask you something before we start." She asked.

Dean yawned,"Yea sure."

"Did...we....do anything last night?"

"Yea we took some shots and owned the dancefloor."

"No I mean like when we got back to the house. I woke up next to you in my underwear so I was just wondering. I legit cant remember. Then Alexa is going around telling people we slept together."

"What? Thats crazy. I wasnt that drunk but I remember bringing you home. You were walking up the steps and you tripped. I picked you up and threw you in your bed and you kept begging for me to stay with you."

Carmella's cheeks were turning red.

"So I stayed and we just blabbered about bullshit until you fell asleep. I wrapped my arms around you and you kept telling me that you have a boyfriend and that he wouldnt like this. But nothing happened after that. We just dozed off."

"How did our clothes come off?"

"You took yours off because you said they were tight. I just took my pants off because sleeping in jeans is very uncomfortable."

" Well, thank god nothing happened. But there are rumors that we fooled around."

"Let people think what they want. We know the truth and thats whats important." Dean comforted.

VC-Dean-Listen, if she wanted to do the dirty deeds last night then we would've. But she was super wasted so yea, wasnt gonna happen.

"So, who are we voting in?" She asked.

"I dont know. Why dont you choose a girl and i'll choose a guy." Dean said.

Soon after, Finn approached their table.

"Hey, its the Irishman." Dean said.

"Hey. If you dont mind, im here to put my 2 cents in." Finn said.

"Uh, sure I guess. I mean it's not like you won or anything but it's fine though. We're all ears." Dean sarcastically said.

"I was hoping that you choose a strong girl to send into the Chamber. Because, if Rosa gets the X card and she goes up against a strong competitor she's sure to go home. Trust me, you dont want to be paired with her. If you do that you're doing yourself and everybody a favor."

"Thats the thing Finn, we've only done 1 challenge so far. We dont really know who's strong and who's weak." Carmella said.

"You could throw in a frog into the Chamber and she wont be able to beat it." Finn ranted.

"Hey hey hey," Dean said, "Rosa has a 25% chance of being sent in. Thats not a lot of hope. If we do send in a strong competitor and they get defeated thats a benefit and a loss. That means one less strong female to be paired with. Imagine if I sent a girl like Naomi and Rosa somehow magically defeats her. That means we're stuck with Rosa again and theres a chance you or I could get paired with her."

"That makes sense." Carmella said.

"Well, still consider it. Please."Finn said.

Soon after Alexa arrived to the table. Finn dismissed himself.

"Hey guys." Alexa smiled.

Carmella looked at her up and down with a dirty look.

"How can we help you? Are you here to give your 2 cents too even though you're not entitled too." Dean asked.

"Im just here to apologize. Carmella, I admit I started the rumors but they were just for fun."

"For fun?! How could that be fun?! You do know that what you said can break apart my relationship right you dumb bitch!" Carmella raised her voice.

"Alright, go easy Carmella." Dean said.

"No I deserve it. Im sorry and if you hate me I understand. But I already told everyone I was just kidding. Im really really sorry." Alexa said.

"Mhmm I hear ya. Are you done? Because you're kind of keeping us back." Carmella said.

She nodded and walked away.

"Well at least she admitted it." Dean said.

"You do know why she said that right? Because she knows that we can put her into eliminations."

"Ohhh she's trying to suck up? Huh. Well, what do you think? Do you know who you're sending in?"

Carmella nodded, "I think its pretty obvious."


The 30 competitors all gathered in the living room quietly and awaited Hunter's arrival. The tension in the air was high and everyone was nervous thinking whether or not their name could be called.

Hunter finally arrived.

"Hello everyone. Looking a bit antsy today huh?" he greeted.

Everyone nodded.

Carmella and Dean was sitting was sitting separately from the rest of them like the winners were supposed to.

VC-Alexa-Right now im nervous. I did my best last night at trying to bribe Carmella but im not to sure if it worked. Its just kind of embarrassing if I am the first one to be sent into the Chamber.

"Alright, Carmella and Dean were the winners of the first challenge now its time to see who they nominate to battle for a chance at staying in this house and winning money. Lets start with the girls. Carmella?" Hunter said.

"Well, Hunter, I had no enemies in the house until this one person started spreading some serious rumors about me."

Alexa's hopes were immediately crushed.

"So my vote is for Alexa."

"Remember people, professionalism is key. Rumors will get you no where. Dean, who do you choose?"Hunter said.

"I choose Alexa as well."

"Alright Alexa come up and stand next to me. What about the guys? Dean, who is your pick?"

" I have nothing against this person at all, honestly he looks like a strong guy and looks promising to come back into the house if he goes against any of the 4 guys who are in the draw. My vote is for TJ."

"Carmella, do you feel the same?" Hunter asked.

"Yes I vote TJ."

VC-TJ- Me? I did nothing wrong! Come on cut me some slack!

"TJ come on up and stand next to Alexa. You two will be going up against the people who draw the X card in the Elimination Chamber. See you guys then." Hunter said and left.

VC-Alexa-I guess my plan didnt work but whatever. I know im strong and fierce and when I come back Carmella better watch her back. PS, I didnt clear up any of the rumors. I lied. Carmella and Dean smashed and thats that.

VC-Seth- Since we got here, Roman, Dean and I have been hanging out a lot. Basically we formed an alliance. So I wasnt worried about Dean calling my name because you just dont do that when you're in alliance with people. I cant say Dean or Roman's name either. We're sorta like a shield just protecting each other.

Next Up: Eliminations

Who do you think would be the two unlucky ones to pull the X card?

Who do you think would be the first two to leave the game?

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