Im Going Home!

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VC-Carmella- So im on the losing team and that makes me really paranoid. The first challenge, I won and sent Alexa into the Chamber. Now, Alexa has a chance to return the favour so why wouldnt she do it. She's so manipulative and im sure she'll end up getting the whole team to vote for me to go into the chamber. But...i have a plan. Its not the most appropriate but...i need to do what I need to do. Colin, I hope you understand.

It was 7pm at night. Enzo was in the hot tub with Dean and Xavier. They were the only ones hanging out outside in the waters under the moonlight.

"Is anyone else getting irritated from all the crickets chirping?" Dean said as he scratched a mosquito bite.

VC-Enzo- I dont have a hot tub back home, so while im here im making the most of this thing.

VC-Dean- There isnt a moment when Enzo isnt in the hot tub.

Carmella changed into her bikini and went to join them. She came in with a beer in her hand.

VC-Carmella- I see my first target. Enzo Amore. The easiest guy in the house. I got my game plan and im sticking to it.

"Hey boys." she said as she made her way in.

"Hey Carmella." Enzo said.

"Yes, hello Carmella."Xavier creepily said as she raised his eyebrows.

"You guys mind if I join you?"

"Well you're already here so its a bit too late to say no." Dean said.

"Yea but we werent planning on saying no. Please, join us." Xavier said.

VC-Enzo- All the girls in this house are just gorgeous. But theres two that has my attention. Sasha and Carmella.

She sat herself next to Enzo and offerered him some beer.

"No thanks sweetheart. Im all good."

"Why are you even out here? Its just us men hanging out?" Dean asked.

"So what, I cant hang out with you men​?" She said in air quotations.

" No one usually wants too." Dean replied.

"Whatever. I just needed some time to relax. That house and those girls got me so stressed out. I need some unwindng." She winked at Enzo.

"Alrrrrrighty then." Dean awkwardly said.

"Enzo, Im feeling a little tense in my shoulders. You mind massaging them?" she asked.

Xavier almost spat out his orange juice.

"Uh sure. No problem ma." Enzo said as he came in front him and he started massaging.

"I couldve done it if you wanted. Im known to have some pretty soft hands." Dean said.

"No Enzo is doing so-" she moaned, "So good. Dont stop."

VC-Xavier- What the hell is going on here? All of a sudden she wants a massage? Out of all the guys she couldve gone too, she comes to us with our wet soggy selves and asks Enzo for a massage? Out of all the guys, Enzo?

VC-Enzo- She wants a massage. Aite. Thats innocent. Thats not a big deal. Until she starts moaning. Daddy's hitting the right spot!

VC-Dean- We're all just sitting here listening to Carmella moan. I mean, I wouldve been happy if I was the one making her moan but im not. Im just sitting here like a turd feeling awkward.

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