Doing What's Best

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"Whats up Brie?" Roman said as sat next to Brie by the pool with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Just....relaxing." she responded.

"You missing your sister?"

She scoffed, "Hell no."

VC-Roman- I havent really ever talked to Brie. I mean yea we worked together once for a challenge but we never actually hung out. She's always been with John and now ive noticed that they dont even speak. Its none of my business anyway but I do think Brie is absolutely beautiful and elegant and such a good woman. Thats the type of girl I like.

"So what happened with you two?"

She sighed "Well as you know John and I were together. Nikki wanted to get in the way of that."

She began giving him the full run down of what went on.

"I think John is afraid to grow up." Roman said, "Being a father changed me but for the better."

"'re a dad?" she turned to him and said.

"Yup." he chuckled, "A proud father. And I dont regret being one."

"Thats amazing. How many kids?"

"Just a daughter. After she was born, my girlfriend at the time totally changed. The only relationship that we have right now is that we co parent together. She has a new man and still here."


"I guess you can say we were both young and dumb and not ready for responsibility. But when my babygirl came along I was forced to grow up."

"I can already tell you're an amazing father."

"I try to be." He shrugged, "But my whole point was that marriage and children are a part of the happiness in life. Im already blessed with a child now all I got to do is wait for the right woman. Men who arent ready for those things havent grown up. If they cant commit to that lifestyle then...what can they commit too?"


"Exactly. I mean, you see how easy it was for John to get over you and sleep with your sister?"

She nodded.

"I on the other hand, havent slept with a single soul since I got to this house."

"Thats pretty hard to believe too because I mean, come on you look like a freaking god."

Roman laughed.

"Im sure girls will drop their panties for you at any given moment! You should have slept with all the girls in the house by now dammit."

He laughed "I probably could but I choose not too. That's not the type of person I want people to know me as."

"I respect that a lot."

VC-Brie- I honestly admire Roman's views. I think that him and I could possibly have more in common compared to John and I. We're both very family oriented. Now im starting to wonder, have I been chasing the wrong guy this whole time?

"So what about you? Why dont you move on from John?"

"Its not that easy for me to just forget about someone especially if I see them all the time. I mean, I forced myself to break up with him, I really didnt want to but I did it for the best you know?"

Roman nodded.

"It sucks but I want to be with him still. Every time I see him part of me just wants to tell him forget about everything and lets be together but....i know things will just get bad between us eventually. The things that are most important to me arent important to him and I guess he wont change his mind. He'll find someone better than me im sure of it."

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