Calling You Out

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"Man, the house is so calm without Dean now huh." Renee said while twirling her hair.

Renee, Paige and Alexa were sitting in the back porch with the sound of nothing but complete silence between them except for the one line sentences they would say to each other now and then. Reality was just kicking in for everyone. A few weeks ago the house was filled with 20+ plus people. Back then, the house would have never been this quiet. Everyone was always up to some mischief or having a good time. Now, the house was down to 12 and among those 12, almost everyone were enemies. There were too many alliances forming and when you're in an alliance, you automatically create enemies.

Paige just nodded at Renee's comment.

VC-Paige- I honestly think the more I hang out with Renee and get to know her, the more I get annoyed by her. Im starting to realize exactly who she is and she's just fake.

She lounged out on a chair sitting under the sun despite wearing all black.

"Are you missing him?" Alexa asked Renee.

"Yea I am." she replied very bluntly.

"Pshh, yea right." Paige said.

Renee turned to her, "What do you mean by that?"

"Come on Renee you couldnt give a rat's ass that he's gone."

Renee was taken aback.

"Of course I do. How could you say that?"

"Stop lying." Paige responded.

"I really don't get where you're coming from Paige."

"One minute you're totally insulting him then next minute you're getting cozy with him! May I remind you that you said if you brought Dean home to your parents they would lose all faith in you. And where were you when he was drinking his guts out at the bar and crying about his life?"

"I didnt know he did that."

"Exactly! Because you dont give a shit!" Paige clapped her hand at every word.

"Okay calm down girls." Alexa readjusted her sunglasses.

"Listen Paige you didnt know the type of relationship we had with each other."

"OH BULLSHIT RENEE! Maybe you don't know this but im the type of bitch to call people out on their bullshit. Ive been observing you and im just gonna say it whether you like it or not, you like attention! You're an attention whore. Im sorry if you're offended but.....its true. You clearly said you didn't want a relationship with him but all of a sudden now you have one? You gotta make up ya damn mind and stop playing him."

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"

"A damn better person than you."

Renee's jaw dropped.

Renee's jaw dropped

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