Challenge 8- Smarty Pants

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Challenge 8- Smarty Pants

The players met Hunter at their next challenge ground.

VC-Renee- Okay so theres this big platform and at the side of the platform theres these ropes and little foot stools. This platform, much like the last one, is also dangling over the water and is high up in the air. Oh boy. I should have brought my water wings.

"Whats up guys. So far in The Challenge, we've been testing your physical strength. As mentioned when we first spoke, its not only your psychical strength that will be tested but also your mentality and academics."

VC-Seth- What? Is he going to make us take a test or something?

"Welcome to your first trivia challenge. Oh and also, you guys will be answering questions while hanging off of that platform right there that's hovering over the water." He pointed.

VC-Renee- I knew it.

VC-Brie- Oh boy.

"Here's how its going to be played."

-Played as individuals.

- Players will be asked a series of trivia questions including spelling, sports, geography, pop culture, and US history.

- This challenge will be played in 2 rounds, 1 for each gender.

- Each player will be hanging by a rope from a platform suspended above water.

- Each player will be hanging by a rope from a platform suspended above water

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-If a player correctly answers a question they will stay in the game.

-If a player does not answer a question correctly they will get an X.

-If a player gets two X, Hunter will pull a lever and he/she will be dropped into the water.

-The first 3 males and females to be dropped into the water will automatically be sent to the Elimination Chamber to partake in the draw.

- The last male and female player standing will be declared the winners.

VC-Charlotte- Perfect. This is right up my alley. I may just be the smartest person here.

"Alright guys," Hunter said, "We'll start with the girls."

The girls got geared up and got into position on the platform.

VC-Alicia- We are literally dangling over the water. This is freaking me out. I dont like heights and I dont like being dropped into water. Im about to piss my pants.

 Im about to piss my pants

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