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Triple H entered the living room where the 28 players patiently awaited him.

"Hey guys. Welcome to your second nomination. As you know, Shinsuke and Bayley won the last challenge so today theyre going to be voting in 1 guy and 1 one girl to face off in the Elimination Chamber against the pair who draws the X card. So, without further ado, Shinsuke, which guy are you going to be voting in and why?"

"Well, Hunter, it has been brought to my attention that this guy has a problem with self conduct and can be quite harrassing. He seems to be causing problems and we dont want any of that in this house."

Murmurs spread across the room as everyone's eyes went side to side looking to see if they found any guilty looking persons.

"In my opinion, we shouldnt have a person like that in this house. So my vote is for Randy." Shinsuke said in his struggling American accent.

" Bayley, what about you?" Hunter asked.

"I choose Randy too."

"And which girl do you nominate to go in?"

"Well, Bayley and I talked and we've decided on.......Paige." Shinsuke said.

VC-Paige- Wait....come again?

Everyone was shocked.

"Paige, the victim of the last challenge? Whats your reason for this?" Hunter asked.

"Well Trips, I heard from someone that she cant be trusted. Shes going around trying to sabotage people's game and I could fall victim to her too. Its better to take her out before she gets to me." Bayley said.

"Woah woah woah who told you I cant be trusted?" Paige asked from across the room.

Charlotte sat back with a smirk on her face observing everything that was going on.

"Thats all I have to say Hunter. Those are our picks." Bayley said.

VC-Nikki- Woah, shots fired.

VC-Heath- I think I speak for everyone when I say I thought little miss sunshine wouldve thrown in Alexa for her scummy move last challenge. No one was expecting Paige.

VC-Alexa- Thank you thank you thank you god! I know you're looking down on me.

"Wow. Alright, Paige and Randy, i'll be seeing you in the Elimination Chamber." Hunter said before he left.

Just as everyone departed from the living room, Paige confronted Bayley.

She pulled her by her shoulder, "Can you please tell me who told you those things about me?"

"Listen, I would love too but thats putting my alliance at risk. Why would I do that for a person like you?" Bayley walked away.

VC-Paige- It hurts knowing that theres people who think im out to sabotage them. Ive barely made any friends in this house so far but yet theres gossip. I just need to know who and why! Who the hell is sayin these nasty things about me!

Paige saw Charlotte and Becky and walked over to them.

"Guys, can you believe that-" midway during her sentence the both girls turned and walked away from her.

"Are you fucking serious." Paige threw her hands up.

VC-Paige- Now no one trusts me! The girls I was closest too in the house dont even want to see me. I swear to god when I find this person im gonna shove my foot down their throat.

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