Elimination 5

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Nominations came and the group stuck with their strategy and voted in Becky and Enzo. Even though they didnt want to, they had no choice but to go into the Chamber.


Team Finn all had their uniforms on, ready to go for the draw. As they approached the Elimination Chamber grounds, they saw two huge barrels filled with ice right up to the top.

 As they approached the Elimination Chamber grounds, they saw two huge barrels filled with ice right up to the top

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"Oh boy, what could this be." Seth muttered.

Hunter finally approached.

"Hey guys." He said, "Welcome to your fifth Elimination Chamber."

Everyone clapped.

"Now, like we always do, we'll have the drawing of the X card to determine who will be facing Enzo and Becky. Lets start with the men."

AJ, John, Dean, Seth and Finn all went to the table that held the cards.

AJ was up first.

He walked right up, flipped the 3rd card, it was a blank. Alexa jumped up and cheered. He returned back to the rest of the players.

John was up. He flipped the 1st card. Blank.

"Woo!" Nikki clapped.

VC-Finn- Great now its down to me and Seth. I might as well just declare myself Enzo's competitor right now because I have a gut feeling im going to get that X.

Seth walked up. His hand hovered over the two remaining cards. Finally, he flipped the 4th card.

Everyone gasped.

It was the X.

Finn let out a sigh of relief.

"Enzo, you'll be facing Seth tonight. Finn, you got lucky this time man. Go ahead and rejoin the cast." Hunter said as Finn happily made his way back.

VC-AJ- Im happy about this elimination because either Seth or Enzo will be going home and who so ever it may be, im gonna end up a happy camper.

Brie and Charlotte stepped up to their table where only two cards were laid out.

VC-Charlotte- This is nerve wrecking. I have a 50% chance of going into the chamber to face my best friend.

VC-Paige- In my perfect world, Charlotte will be the one to face her lover. Also if I might add, it feels so good standing away from the Elimination Chamber grounds and just looking on. Finally, someone else who isnt me gets to experience the Chamber.

"Alright Brie, come on up." Hunter said.

Brie hesitantly walked up to the table. She studied the two cards.

VC-Nikki- I think the best option would be for Brie to go home. When she does, then i'll finally get my chance with John because i'll have him all to myself.

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