Separate Ways

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"You looked pretty happy to be with Charlotte out there." Alexa bitterly said to AJ as he twirled her hair around his finger.

They were both sitting out on the patio snuggled up with one another.

VC-Alexa- Yesterday for our challenge AJ and Charlotte won together. I was tipped off when she chose him but I decided to let it slide. Thats until they hugged each other. Are you crazy AJ? You shouldnt even be touching her! I dont care if she's dating Becky or not. You are mine, tell those bitches hands off.

"Well of course! I won! I gotta be happy!"

"But werent you a bit sad you werent paired with me?" Alexa batted her eyelashes and looked up at him.

"Well...i mean..yea. But on the other hand I was thankful Charlotte chose me because she's a great competitor."

"Wow. Can you at least seem like you hated being paired with her. You know her and I have our issues in this house. I mean like, why did you have to hug her though?"

"Because we won! I was happy! Just because you two got your issues doesnt mean I gotta start being a jerk to her too. She's actually really cool to hang out with. I mean before you and I were together, her and Becky were my girls."

VC-Alexa- AJ, do you even know how to make a girl feel better? You're sorta pissing me off even more. I don't need to know about your friendship with them. Im the only friend you need.

Well, thats great to know!" she sarcastically said, "Maybe I should start hanging out with Seth. See how you would like it."

"Why you gotta be so jealous?"AJ asked.

"Im not jealous! Im protective of whats mine! I hate seeing you interact with other girls. Especially my enemies."

"Relax darlin'. Don't get so worried over nothin'." He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her on her forehead, "You should be happy that I won because you wont have to go into the chamber."

"Well yea, you got a point." she cuddled up to him even more as he placed his hand on her thigh.

"What do you say, you wanna go into one of the empty rooms to celebrate?"

"Ooo, I would love that." she seductively said.

VC-AJ- Alexa is the territorial type of girlfriend and hell, I love that. But just because you got your issues in the house with someone doesnt mean I gotta have issues with them too. Thats your drama, you handle that. I have enough people in this house that hates me.

VC-John- So ive been avoiding Brie ever since Nikki came and told me what she did. I think its about time for me to go and let her know why ive been avoiding her. Honestly I dont think her and I can continue having a close relationship because I just dont feel the same way about her anymore. Im a guy who wants to take things slow and she seems to like to rush into things. Im not about that.

John found Brie doing her morning meditation on the porch.

"Hey, do you have a minute? I think we should talk." He said as he approached her.

She looked up at him and couldnt help but smile. Finally he was talking to her.

VC-Brie- After a week or so of John not talking to me he finally breaks the ice. Im happy, I want to know why he was acting like such a jerk. Its about time I get an explanation.

"Sure, sit down."

"So, im sure you were wondering why I was ignoring you for so long right."

"Of course. I mean John, I tried talking to you so many times and you just kept brushing me off. You wouldnt even tell me what I did wrong. I just gave up."

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