Challenge 6: Too Clingy

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Challenge 6- Too Clingy.

Everyone arrived at their challenge destination where they saw a cargo net placed above a lake.

Everyone arrived at their challenge destination where they saw a cargo net placed above a lake

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Everyone was geared up with their uniforms, knee pads and elbow pads. They finally saw Hunter and lined up in two rows in front of him.

"Hey everyone. Welcome to your 6th challenge called Too Clingy. Now, this challenge requires a lot of upper body strength and im assuming the group of players that is standing before me here today are the strongest among the 30 that was originally here. This challenge will be played in 2 groups each containing 9 players. Now, time to appoint the team captains. Finn, Paige, since you two were successful in the Elimination Chamber you two will be the captain of the teams."

"YES!" Paige jumped up.

Finn shook his head in approval.

VC-Paige- Finally! A reward for my hard work

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VC-Paige- Finally! A reward for my hard work. This is just...freaking awsome! * Claps *

"So it will be Team Finn vs Team Paige. Before I explain how the game will be played I just want to warn you, captains, chose your team players wisely because at the end, there will be a twist."

Worried looks spread across everyone's face.

VC-Alexa- Nooo. Not another twist. Ugh!

"Here's how this game will be played."

  -There will be two huge cargo nets spread across a lake.

  -There will be two huge cargo nets spread across a lake

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