Elimination 6

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Everyone packed up their coolers, strapped on their bikinis, applied sunscreen lotion and headed to the beach.

"WOO! We're here boys." Dean said as he stepped out of the minibus.

The sun was beating down on their backs as they took in the beautiful scenery of the blue water.

VC-Paige- Guess who's pale ass is getting sun burned today.

"What are we waiting for?Lets hit the water!" Seth said and him, Dean and Roman all raced down to the water and cannon balled in.

Brie just sat on a beach mat with a bottle of water in her hand watching the waves.

VC-Brie- I feel so alone right now. I broke things off with John and I cant even trust my own sister now so, who else do I have? I literally feel lost and alone.

Nikki came, wearing her pink bikini and a beer in hand and sat down right next to Brie.

VC-Brie- I havent confronted Nikki about what she did yet because....i just dont know how to. Im a spiritual person and im all about keeping the peace. I was never one to start arguments or fights. I want to get it off my chest though but I dont know how to go about doing it. So right now, she thinks we're all good but I really want to bash her face in.

"My legs are killing me!" Nikki said as she sat down.

"Too much squats?" Brie responded without looking at her.

"No..."Nikki smiled, "Something else."

"What is it."

Nikki grinned, "I sorta....hooked up with John last night."


"You did?"

"YES! Like, finally! Ive been crushing on him for soooo long its about time he noticed me! Gosh he's so good!"

"I cant believe you..."

"I cant even believe it myself!"

"No I mean I cant believe that you think I wouldnt find out Nicole."

"Find out what?"

"You bitch! You lied to John! You told him all this bullshit about me, what you didnt think I wouldnt find out? You knew we were together thats why you were trying to get inbetween!"

"Brie i-"

"Dont give me any excuses Nikki you basically ruined everything for me because you're just selfish and only care about yourself!"

"But to be fair Brie I liked him first. And you knew that. Why did you have to take him from me? What you didnt think I would be mad?"

"BECAUSE HE DIDNT LIKE YOU! Finally someone liked me! And you tried to ruin it for me! You're supposed to have my back you're my sister. I always have yours! But you just cant get over your self. I broke up with John just so you know. So your little plan didnt work."

"Jeez Brie-"

" And you have audacity to come up to me and tell me you two had sex! I really dont want to hear you right now!" Brie stood, "I realized I cant trust you! Just....just dont ever bother speaking to me again. Im done with you."

She pulled away her beach mat and walked away.

VC-Brie- I cant trust my own blood. The person I shared a womb with was out to get me. This goes to show that even family can be toxic. I dont want anything to do with her. As for John, I cant believe he would go hookup with my sister that quickly. I cant even believe he would hookup with my sister! Being in this house opened my eyes a lot and showed me who I can and cannot trust. The one person I thought would have my back no matter what was just out to stab me in it.    

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