Finals- Part 1

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VC-Brie- So today is the finals.....I am beyond nervous right now.

VC-AJ- This is where I wanted to be the whole time, at the finals. It was hell getin' here so now that I am here im going to give it my all and more. Nothing is acceptable except 1st place.

Brie, Paige, Charlotte, AJ, Finn and Roman made their way to their final challenge destination where Hunter was awaiting them.

He stood in a forested area where there was a running river.

They nervously approached him.

"Well, you can just feel the intensity in the air today. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to your final challenge. Let me tell you how this is going to go down. This challenge will be done in 6 stages. For the first 3 stages you all will be working together in pairs of male and female. For each stage we have assigned the teams. At the last 3 stages, you guys will be competing for yourself. At the end of every stage, the length of time you took to complete it will be recorded. To determine the winner, all of your times will be added up and the guy and girl who took the least amount of time to complete the final challenge will be declared Challenge champion. Got it?"

They nodded, "Yea!"

"Awsome, well let me welcome you to your first stage. I sure do hope you guys know how to kayak because you will be kayaking down this river behind me until you get to your second stage. But be careful....there is a waterfall somewhere near. Now, let me pair you guys up. Finn, you're paired with Paige, Charlotte you got Roman, that leaves Brie and AJ."

Each person moved and stood by their partner.

"Go ahead and get geared up guys. See you at the end." Hunter said and walked away.

They geared up with the helmets and life jackets that were provided and then entered the kayak.

"Oh my god....this is crazy." Brie said as she struggled to get in.

VC-Brie- This boat is rocking back and forth. It can literally tip over any second.

"You know how to do this right, Brie?" AJ turned to her and asked.



The 3 teams began taking off with Finn and Paige in the lead. Roman and Charlotte were mere inches away from them and Brie and AJ were behind.

VC-Finn- Paige and I are off! We're in the lead right now and its great! If we can keep this up, itll be very beneficial to us.

So far, everything was going great.....for two out of the three teams.

VC-AJ- So im there paddling my heart out and I realize, we're barely moving! Suddenly, I lose sight of the 2 other teams and im like

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VC-AJ- So im there paddling my heart out and I realize, we're barely moving! Suddenly, I lose sight of the 2 other teams and im like....what the hell is going on? I know how to do this. Then I turn around only to see Brie holding the paddle the wrong way. She's holding it upright when its supposed to be held sideways. * Facepalms * I swear im going to throw her out of this kayak.

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