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As this book finally comes to an end, I just wanted to thank some people who's been reading this book from day one.

I was realllly skeptical about beginning this book because I didn't know how people would react to it. Early last year before I even joined Wattpad the idea for making this book came to me but I ignored because I thought it would be too complicated and lame. That's until I kept thinking about it and became obsessed with the idea and just dived right in.

I just want to shout out some of my loyal readers who always voted and/or commented:




















If I forgot anyone, feel free to call me out in the comments lol.

Not to get mushy or anything but without every single one of you, I would have given up on this book a lonnnng time ago. Thanks for reading this crazy book!

Also, don't forget to tell me what theme you would like to see season 2 be about. If you already told me then you don't have to again. So far, a lot of people wants to see Battle of the Couples. Comment which couples you would like to see compete.

Also, for a continuation of these storylines, check out my Are You The One book. That book and The Challenge will sort of crossover. Some new cast from Are You The One may just end up being in The Challenge 2.

Finally, I can change the status of this book to completed.

Love you guys so much!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Oneee more thing, i just want to give you guys an inside scoop on books ill be working on in the future.
A couple friends and i have decided to have a Tough Enough book that you can sign up and be a part of. Its going to be a reality show (just like the actual show) with storylines and eliminations etc. Also, ill be having another sign up book soon where you guys will be given tasks and competing. Once i have that figured out, more details will emerge.
And then ofc my current book is Are You The One.
Season 2 of The Challenge will begin around Aug/Sep later this year. Maybe earlier than that, who knows.
Now that this book is over, can i get some honest reviews about it?


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