Don't Hate The Player

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"Whats up guys, welcome to your 7th nominations." Hunter said and everyone clapped, "As you may know, Charlotte and AJ won the last challenge so that means they will be choosing who they want to go into the chamber. However, they cannot choose Nikki, Alica, Renee, Randy, John or Xavier since they will be participating in the draw. So, without further ado, Charlotte, AJ, who are your picks?"

VC-Paige- Yea Charlotte I wonder who your picks are?Pft, I know its me bitch just say it.

VC-Charlotte- They wont know what hit them.

"Well Hunter," Charlotte crossed her legs, "During deliberations AJ and I came to the conclusion that its down to two teams that we should send in, the teams of Paige and Seth and Alexa and Dean."

Paige rolled her eyes.

"We carefully thought about our choices and went with the best option for us which is the team of-"

Paige grabbed Seth's hand and started making her way to the front where Hunter was.

"Alexa and Dean."

Everyone gasped. Dean began choking on his beer. Paige stopped in her tracks and her eyes grew wide. Alexa's jaw was dropped.

"Woah woah woah what? No we didnt Charlotte." AJ turned to her and said, "Hunter our choice is Paige and Seth."

VC-Charlotte- After deliberations I went back and carefully thought about our choice. It made no sense to throw in Paige because hey, she's a good competitor and the girls who are in the draw which are Alicia, Nikki and Renee are not that strong. I want to get rid of Paige and if she goes against any of those girls she has the chance of coming back. Alexa on the other hand, im not to sure about her potential. She doesnt impress me and if she does go home, Paige's dumb alliance will be fractured. Last week I had to go against my best friend in the house and send her home so now its time they started suffering too. Its not called playing dirty, its called playing smart.

"No Hunter, we are choosing Alexa and Dean to go into the Chamber." Charlotte said with a confident smile.

"AJ what the hell?" Alexa said.

"We didnt talk about this Charlotte

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"We didnt talk about this Charlotte. We agreed on one thing, you cant go choose the other now without telling me!"

VC-AJ- What the hell Charlotte! You completely blindsided me! Thats total bullshit!

"Im sorry AJ its the smarter decision."

"How the hell is that the smarter decision!" AJ angrily stood up, "We clearly agreed on Seth and Paige! You told me nothing about choosing Dean and Alexa! We're not sending them in!"

"Come on guys you need to make a decision." Hunter interrupted, "Its either Seth and Paige or Alexa and Dean."

"We're sticking with Alexa and Dean."said Charlotte.

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