The Proof Is In The Footage

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Everyone gathered in the living room to wait for Hunter.

VC-Renee- I have this bad feeling that Brie and John are going to send me into eliminations because after all I am the newbie so, give me one good reason why they wont.

"Hey everyone." He said as he approached, "First things first, Alexa, Xavier, come on up next to me."

They went up and stood next to him, pissed off as ever.

"Alright, lets get down to business, John, Brie what team did you choose to send into the Elimination Chamber and why?"

John cleared his throat,"Well Hunter, theres a certain person on the opposing team that Brie and I would love to send home. So, with that in mind, the team we chose is the best team in our minds to send that person home. Thats why we have chosen the team of....... Sami and Paige."

Paige threw her hands up in the air. She couldnt believe it.

VC-Paige- Me. Again. What a surprise. I feel as if the whole fucking house came together and formed a pact to send me into eliminations whenever possible. I mean come on! This will be my 3rd fucking time!

"You cant be serious guys. This is my third time in eliminations. Give me a damn break!" Paige ranted.

"Yea guys come on," Sami defended, "Cut her some slack

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"Yea guys come on," Sami defended, "Cut her some slack."

"Our choice is final."

Paige got up and stormed out of the room in anger.

VC-Paige- I literally cant handle it anymore. * Wipes tears * I am sick of going into eliminations. Theres other girls in this house who havent done a damn thing yet like Becky or Nikki but no they throw me in! Im just so over it at this point.

VC-Sami- I feel bad for Paige. She's constantly getting thrown into eliminations either by the draw or by nominations. If I was her id feel frustrated too. I think she's proven herself enough.

Sami raced after Paige to comfort her.

"Great, so we have our teams. But let me tell you, at eliminations it will not be Alexa and Xavier versus  Sami and Paige."

VC-Alexa- Oh my god. Its not? I have high hopes right now.

Everyone stared at Hunter confused by what he said.

"At the last challenge, we all know Xavier and Alexa lost their token right. Well, we have reviewed the footage from the challenge and we saw exactly how they lost it. They were right after all, someone did steal it."

Everyone gasped.

VC-Alexa- I KNEW IT! I freaking knew it!

VC-Alexa- I KNEW IT! I freaking knew it!

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