Challenge 5- Laps of Judgment (Part 1)

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Challenge 5-  Laps of Judgement.

The players met Triple H at their challenge destination where they noticed large wooden crates were placed.

"Whats up guys? Lets get down to business. In life, we're often faced with many choices and options. Some of the choices we choose may be bad, some may be good. Your next challenge is all about choices. A little something like would you rather. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to your fifth challenge, Laps of Judgement. Here's how its going to be played."


-This will be played in pairs of male and female.

-Players will be given two options of obstacles, they must chose one.

-This challenge contains 5 laps.

-After a round is completed, a player from each team will grab a token, run uphill, scale up a wall, hang the token on the designated team rack, scale down the wall, run downhill and move on to the next lap where at the end they will collect their other token and repeat the process.

-First team to get 5 token up on their rack wins.

-The three bottom teams will be sent into the Elimination Chamber for the draw.

-Winning team will choose 1 guy and 1 girl to send into the Elimination Chamber.

-Winning team will choose 1 guy and 1 girl to send into the Elimination Chamber

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(The path they must run and walls they must scale over.)

"Alright guys, so this challenge will be played in teams of 2, 1 man, 1 woman. Instead of randomly pairing you guys up, how about we let the guys choose today." Hunter said and the guys clapped, "Alright so we'll start from one end. John? Lets start with you."

"I chose Brie."John confidently said.

VC-Nikki- God dammit! This pisses me off like, what does he even see in her?


"Uhhh...gimme Charlotte."

VC-Randy- I chose Charlotte because she looks strong and she has long legs that will really benefit us for running up and down those hills.


"The new girl, Renee!" Dean shouted.

"Must you shout?" Renee asked as she made her way next to him.



VC-AJ- Becky's really athletic so thats a win.


"Gimme my girl Paige." Sami said and Paige walked over giving him a high five.

VC-Paige- Im happy Sami chose me. I think he's  my only friend in the house and plus I feel really comfortable around him.

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