What Happens In The Backseat Stays In The Backseat

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VC-Paige- So we're all going out tonight and im looking forward to getting wasted. Just totally wasted. Ive been working hard since I got here and I deserve a night to myself. Lets get drunk shall we.

The players headed to Sound Nightclub in Hollywood once again.

VC-Roman-  I feel a bit awkward right now because Randy and I are literally wearing the same outfit. Light blue jeans, black and white striped t shirt, black leather jacket and boots. We both refused to change our outfits because apparently we got a lot of pride so i'll just do my best to try to avoid him for the rest of the night.

Paige grabbed Alexa and Renee's hand and led them straight to the bar.

"What are we having ladies?" Paige asked them over the loud music.

"Jeez Paige we just got here. You're not messing around are you?" Renee said.

"No. Im trying to get drunk as fuck by the end of the night because I very much deserve it." Paige danced  "So, what are we starting with? Beer, tequila, or Vodka?"

"How about a Martini?" Alexa suggested.

"Okay. Tequila it is!" Paige said and ordered a round of tequila shots.

Paige began taking shot after shot. By the time Renee and Alexa had taken 3 shots, Paige was on her seventh.

VC-Paige- Im not kidding around when I say I came here to party. I just want to have fun and relax.

Her head began to feel heavy and she felt this sense of happiness over take her. Thats when she knew she was tipsy.

She walked away from Renee and Alexa who was still at the bar dancing like two shy six year old girls, just swaying. She went straight for the dancefloor. She began dancing with everyone she saw, people from the house and people she didnt even know. She saw Enzo with a cup of beer in his hand, she grabbed it, chugged his drink down and flung the cup aside.

VC-Paige- So im in my zone, im feeling it. I spent all my money at the bar so I just do the next best thing. Steal drinks from everyone.

She left the dancefloor and danced her way to the lounge. Roman and Seth were sitting down next to each other having a conversation of who wore it better. She walked over to Seth, sat on his lap, chugged his drink, and planted a big ol sloppy kiss on him.

"Thanks for the drink luv." She pecked him on his lips again and walked away.

" She pecked him on his lips again and walked away

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He stared at her in confusion.

She was in a state of euphoria. Everything felt perfect. She was happy. She wasnt thinking about all those people who screwed her over, she wasnt thinking about how she barely had friends back at the house. She didnt care. She wanted to have fun and just forget everything for once. And thats exactly what she was doing.

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