Reunion Special: Part 2

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" Welcome back to the most must see talk show on television, welcome back to....Miz TV. Ladies and gentlemen in the audience im pretty sure you all can agree with me when I say that so far its been a crazy reunion special am I right. Anyway, Charlotte, how have you been?"

"Ive been okay Miz." She smiled.

"It just seems like Paige has problems with everyone huh? You and Paige had your fair share of battles in the house." Miz said.

"Yea we did and I think it was more of a dominance thing. Obviously she's a good competitor and im a great competitor and I would say we have a lot of similarities, so because of that we butted heads. We were a threat to each other."

"But your rivalry didnt begin because of that, it was because you thought Paige was out to sabotage your game by hooking you up with John right?" The Miz laughed.

"Well yea and I when I watched the show I realized she was genuinely trying to hook us up so our rivalry began because of a misconception."

"So what, are you guys friends now?"

"No.. I dont think we'll be friends. I think we're better as rivals."

"I agree." Paige said.

"So, whats the situation with you and Becky? Take us through that."

"Well Becky and I are friends, not lovers as you guys may think. We did get extra friendly while in the house but right now we're just friends."

The cameras panned to Becky who just smiled.

"How did your family react to seeing that play out on television?"

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"How did your family react to seeing that play out on television?"

"They didnt like it at all. But I told them that its my life and what I want to do and who I want to be with is my decision."

The audience applauded.

"Lets switch gears again. We all got to witness a bit of family drama go down between a pair of twins. Nikki, Brie, how are you guys tonight?"

"Im fine." Nikki said.

"Great." Brie said.

"Nikki, how did you feel seeing your sister win 3rd place?"

"I was happy for her." Nikki responded.

Brie rolled her eyes.

"By Brie's expression I guess you guys arent talking still."

"Miz, ive watched the show, ive seen the things Nikki did to me, ive heard the things she's said about me, its absolutely disgusting. I want nothing to do with her."

"Nikki, you mentioned that you and John hooked up when you guys were back in the house, how true was that?"

"Umm....not...true."Nikki gritted her teeth.

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