Panty Cake

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Sasha woke up in her bed with a stinging head ache and the taste of alcohol on her tongue.

She groaned.

She felt like crap.

VC-Sasha- I wake up. I feel horrible. I have no clue what happened last night. All I know is I mustve gotten drunk as hell. I dont even want to know what I did.

She noticed that she was dressed in nothing but her bra while she was still under the covers.

VC-Sasha- I see that im literally naked and im like 'hell no.' Im getting scared. Did I hook up with someone?

Sasha dragged herself out of bed and freshened up.

VC-Sasha- I mean I didn't wake up next to anyone. Maybe I just took all my clothes off when I came home from the club and left my bra on for decency. But honestly, it definitely feels like I hooked up with someone. I can literally feel the soreness.

She grabbed her cup of coffee and sat poolside on a lounge chair trying to avoid everyone. All she wanted was some time alone to recollect what went on and who she hooked up with. Any little bit of memory she would have been grateful for.

VC-Sasha- I feel guilty because I literally don't know what I did last night. What if I did something stupid and embarrassed myself. I just feel as if everyone in the house is looking down at me in pity.

Suddenly, out came Roman in nothing but sweatpants. She bit her lip. His pecs glistened in the sun. His long, black, curly hair was wrapped into a man bun. And his biceps...lets not start with his biceps. The way his tribal tattoo made him 10 times sexier. The way his muscles bulged. And the sweatpants? Roman had a fine ass so the sweatpants complimented it heavenly. What made Sasha die inside was noticing his abdominal V lines that started at his hips and led to a place she would have loved to explore. She cooed at the sight of him. Damn he was fine.

He came over and sat next to her by the poolside.

"Hey, how you feelin'?" He asked.

She ruffled her hair, " Horrible."

"Im not surprised. You were out of control last night." He said with his soothing deep voice.

"Great. That's what I needed to hear." she sarcastically said.

"We need to talk." His facial expression turned serious.

She got worried. She mustve really done something stupid last night.

VC-Sasha- We need to talk? Um.....why? Did I do something? Please tell me I didn't do anything.

"Okay." she nervously said.

" Do you remember anything from last night? Anything at all?"

"Not after taking shots with Alexa."

"Well," He cleared his throat, "You sorta caused a scene last night. You were crying your eyes out in the bathroom. Like literally the whole club was hearing you and wanted to know what happened. "

Sasha's cheeks turned red. "Oh."

" Also....uh...we sorta had a....thing in the bathroom." he awkwardly said.

"A....a...a thing?" she asked.

"Well, you came on to me. You were about to unbuckle my pants and stuff but me being the respectful guy that I am, pushed you away."

VC-Sasha- *Facepalms*


"Yea but you were crying over me. You went around telling people that Alicia and I were dating. Oh, you also called me a man whore. But uh, you said that we had a connection. Do you really think that or was that the tequila talking?"

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