Paired Up

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It was warm, quiet summer day in July. Everyone in the Challenge house was about their own business. Some  were cooking, some were in the pool, some were working out, some were sleeping.

The house was peaceful and serene even though everyone in that house were blood thirsty competitors. Hit lists have started to form and people began walking around with targets on their backs. They realized what type of game this was. As Hunter said in the beginning of the competition, its kill or be killed.

Brie was in the kitchen making scrambled eggs for everyone when something caught her eye. On the counter resting mysteriously was a manilla folder and a sealed envelope. She knew that wasnt there when she first came into the kitchen. She put down her spatula and turned off the stove.

VC-Brie- Now I know its wrong to interefere with other people's mail but...i just had too. I mean it was stacked neatly on top of each other just tempting me to open it.

She lifted the envelope up and read the front of it.


VC-Brie- I watched enough reality competiton shows to know whenever you get a clue you need to share it with everyone.

She rallied everyone in the house into the living room.

The 25 players sat down as she stood and read the clue for them.

"Its only the 3rd week and im pretty sure some of you still dont know everyone in the house. Well, its time to change that." Brie read," You have been randomly paired with someone of the opposite sex. You guys have 1 whole day and night to get to know each other better. And no, not that kind of getting to know each other. However you plan to get to know each other is up to you but make sure you know your partner inside and out. You never know what bit of information would benefit you. See you soon, Triple H."

The murmurs immediately began. Everyone was confused.

VC-Dean- Get to know each other better? Like....have sex?

VC-Paige- This is so mysterious! Like what do you mean get to know each other better? Why do we have to do that? Whats going on!

Brie opened the manilla folder and pulled out a list. It was the list of  team pairings.

"Alright guys this list has who you'll be paired up with." she announced.

Everyone rushed over to her to see who they'll be paired up with.

Everyone rushed over to her to see who they'll be paired up with

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VC-Enzo- I get a Bella twin. Thank you god.

Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and found their team mate.

VC-Charlotte- I dont understand where this is going but hey, im just going to do what Hunter says and get to know my partner better, which is Seth. I dont know him at all hell, we haven't even talked since we got in this house. Its going to be awkward but....Im just doing what im supposed to do.

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