Elimination 3

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The players gathered in the living room on the couch.

Hunter made his way and greeted them.

"Alright everyone

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"Alright everyone. Lets get down to business. Im sure for the winning team, making that decision of who to send into the Chamber tonight must have been tough. But without further ado, lets start with Enzo. Enzo, what girl are you choosing to go into the Chamber and why?"

"Well Hunter. We made a decision as a team and the person im going to choose is Paige."

VC-Paige- You gotta be shitting me right now.

Paige folded her arms and pursed her lips.

"Why Paige?"

"Because she's not a strong competitor. She's the reason why Team 1 lost the curry challenge. Personally, I wouldnt want to be paired with her."

Paige rolled her eyes.

"Alright. Bayley? How about you?"

"I choose Paige because we decided on her together as a team.


"Carmella. She sent me in the first time. Whatever chance I get to say your name, im saying it."

Carmella smiled.

VC-Carmella- I knew that little troll would say my name.

Hunter asked the rest of the team members and they all said Paige's name.

VC-Paige- Im sure I know who's behind this. That stupid bitch, Charlotte. Its so obvious.

"Alright so Paige, come on up next to me. You're going In no matter what." Hunter announced.

Paige made her way up next to Hunter, "I just want to thank Charlotte for being the mastermind on getting everyone to say my name. I just gotta tell you, kharma's a bitch sweetheart. Keep trying to get rid of me, i'll keep coming back."

"Keep talking Paige. Keep talking all the way into the Chamber tonight." Charlotte taunted.

"Alright alright ladies. Now its time for the guys. Enzo? What guy do you choose and why?"

"Well Hunter, during our meeting we didnt come to an agreement on who to choose so im just going with my own pick, AJ. You're a dick bro!"

AJ shook his head in confusion.

"Alright, 1 vote for AJ. Bayley?"

" Im choosing Shinsuke. No offense Shinny! You know I love you."

"None taken."


" Shinsuke."


"I choose Roman. I mean, he calls himself the big dog of the house but he hasnt really done anything impressive yet. I think he has to prove himself."

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