Truth or Dare

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Paige sat on a lounge chair and watched as Dean and Renee rolled around and cuddled on the sofa inside. She sneered. It was pretty sickening for her to watch Renee be wrapped up in his arms and messing around.

VC-Paige- Renee always tells me how she doesnt have feelings for Dean and how he's not her type, but here she is rolling around with him and obviously leading him on. If you dont have feelings for someone then dont act like you do. What is the poor fella supposed to think? This makes me believe that Renee is a bit fake and likes attention.

"You're pretty smart. You killed it out there for the trivia challenge." Dean said as she lay rested in his arms.

"Well duh. Im studying to be a journalist. I got to know all the facts."

"But you didnt know that Mohammed Ali is not Mahatma Ghandi."

"Oh my god!" she laughed, "I was panicking okay! That was the first thing that came to my mind!"

He stared into her blue eyes and brushed the hair out of her face.

She stared back into his.

VC-Dean- Renee is pretty cool. We just click really well. Sometimes I feel like she pushes me away but...whatever. At the end of the day she's mine.

"How about after the show, I move to Canada with you." he suggested.

"You would do that?" she raised up on her elbows.

"Hell yea. I got nothing going on for me in Cincinnati. We could get an apartment, I could get a job. Id do that for you."

Renee nodded, "That would be really awesome! I would like that."

Dean smiled.

VC-Paige- One minute she'll be saying that Dean is a loser and then next minute she's snuggled up with him. She needs to make her mind up before she hurts the guy. I hate it.


It was cold and rainy night in Hollywood and the house was rather quiet. No shenanigans were taking place, no partying neither any drinking. This was making some of the players really uncomfortable and anxious.

"Hey guys! Lets play truth or dare!" Renee suggested.

"YES! Im down!" Paige immediately responded.

Paige, Renee, Brie and Finn were all sitting in the living room wasting their time away. Since there were no electronics in the house they had literally nothing to do.

VC-Renee- Its a rainy night, theres nothing going on, im bored out of my mind. So, I came up with a great idea! Lets play truth or dare! All of us could definitely get to know each other more by doing this.

"Sure." Finn said, "Theres nothing better to do."

"Lets get everyone." Renee said and her, Paige and Finn went to gather the rest of the house.

"ALEXAA!" Paige banged on AJ's bedroom door, "I know you're in there! Open up! Its an emergency!"

She heard shuffling around in the room before finally Alexa opened the door. Her hair was messed up and her t shirt was inside out.

"Whats wrong?"

"Get outside! We're going to play truth or dare."

Alexa glared at her.

"Really? This is the emergency?"

"Yes you can have sex some other time." Paige peeked her head into the bedroom, "Come on AJ, put some clothes on and come play truth or dare with us."

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