Team Meeting

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VC-Carmella- My plan totally blew with Randy because he blew me off for crybaby Banks. The other guys from Team 2 are Finn, Dean and John. Dean already knew what happened with Enzo and I last night so I think if I were to pursue him he would spoil my plan. All that's left is Finn and John. They're both very different from Enzo and Randy so approaching them would be a bit tricky. But I need to do what I need to do before deliberations.

Carmella spotted Finn reading alone on a lounge chair on the back porch.

"Harry Potter? I love Harry Potter." she said as she approached him.

His eyes shot up. She was speaking his language. He was a huge Harry Potter fanboy.

"You do? Thats awsome!"

"Yea uh-" she glanced down at the book cover, " Prisoner of Akazaban is my favourite."

"You mean Azkaban."

"Yea whatever." she slapped her head,"Its been so long since ive read that book."

She took a seat next to him.

"This is actually my third time reading the series. It gets better every time! I actually prefer the books over the movies." Finn passionately said.

" Finn passionately said

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"Oh yea. Me too. Totally." she lied.

VC-Carmella- Let me be honest. I don't know a damn thing bout Harry Potter.

"Book are more magical you know. A movie only shows us half what the story really is. A book, a book can take you away. It really gets your imagination running wild." Finn sat back.

"Totally!" She tried to relate.

VC-Finn- I cant believe it. She's beautiful and she's a book worm? This is unreal.

"What's your favourite book beside Harry Potter?"

Her eyes darted around. She didnt know! All she read was magazines!

"Uh, well im a die hard Harry Potter fan. Like crazy obsessed haha! So really nothing I have ever read could compare to Harry Potter. Thats why I dont have a second favorite."

"Oh wow. You know, I would have never guessed that about you. Whats your favourite book from the series?"

VC-Carmella- Um..i don't know. The one with Daniel Radcliffe?

"Um...that one." she pointed to the book he was holding.

"Thats cool. I literally cant choose a favourite. What house are you in?"

She looked at him confusingly.

"This one. Duhh...." she laughed and nudged him.

"I mean what Harry Potter house are you in?" he blankly stared at her.

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