Elimination 2

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All the players gathered at their usual spot in the Elimination Chamber looking on at the competitors who would be participating in the card draw.

Paige and Randy stood nervously as they watched the competitors lined up in front of the table of cards. Kofi, Xavier, Big E, Brie, Rosa and Naomi look petrified. They didnt even want to look at the cards.

VC-Nikki- My dumb sister found herself in eliminations yet again. Im starting to realise that she cant do anything for me I cant depend on her. If she goes home tonight, so be it.

Triple H told them the instructions of the elimination chamber then the girls proceeded to flip the card.

Brie was the first one to flip. She flipped the 1st card on the table, she was safe.

Then it was Naomi's turn.

VC-Naomi- I have a 50 percent chance of going in right now. I dont like the odds.

Her hand was dodging left to right from the second and third card deciding what to pick until she finally flipped the 3rd card.


Rosa clapped and cheered.

VC-Rosa- Luck is on my side tonight! This is my second time in eliminations and im safe. I am truly blessed.

VC-Finn- Rosa is like a parasite. She just wont go away.

"Shit." Paige said as she saw her future opponent.

VC-Paige- This girl is freakin bigger than I am. If we had to punch more holes in the wall she'd definitly win. She could probably punch holes in my face in for all I know.

"Alright Naomi. You're going in." Hunter informed then she nodded and stepped to the side.

"Alright. Now its the cousins turn." Hunter said again.

Big E went first. He went for the 2nd card.


"OHHHH!" Xavier and Kofi yelled and jumped around. Everyone was shocked.

VC-Big E- Well this sucks big time.

"Okay so its Randy vs Big E and Paige vs Naomi." Hunter announced and led them to the obstacle course.

VC-Naomi- We go to the obstacle course and we see like...swing sets and chunks of wood. This is going to be interesting.

VC-Big E- Im not seeing any walls so I guess its not like the last elimination.

"Welcome to your 2nd elimination guys. As you can see we have 3 different parts to this game. This game is called Spun Out. Here's how you play." Hunter said as he told them the rules.

" Hunter said as he told them the rules

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