Whatever It Takes

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VC-Dean- So, I think im kinda into Renee. I dont know how else to put it. Im a grown man, I shouldn't be having crushes on anyone. Im on a reality show I should be hooking up with a bunch of different girls. Instead, I have these stupid feelings. Im not okay with this.

Dean got up extra early and headed to the kitchen. He scrambled eggs, fried some bacon, toasted some bread (at least tried to) and brewed coffee just enough for two.

VC-Dean- I dont know I think its because we're so similar yet so different. I mean we're both casual people, we dont like a lot of fancy things. She knows how to take a joke, she knows when im being sarcastic. She gets me. Unlike some of these girls like, last week, I made a joke to Rosa and I told her hey, dont stay out in the sun too much cuz all that plastic in your chest will melt. She took it serious and yelled at me in Spanish or Latin or whatever the hell language that was she was screechin at me.

He prepped everything on the plate and took it into Renee's room.

"Wakey wakey!" He flicked on the lights.

The girls groaned.

"What the hell Dean get out. And turn the lights off for gods sake."Alexa covered her face with a pillow.

"Hey! Shut up and go back to bed im not here for you."

Alexa flipped him off.

"Dean?" Renee groggily said.

"Morning sunshine." He rested the plate down on her night stand, "I made you breakfast."

"Aww. You didnt have too." She wiped her eyes and smiled.

VC-Renee- So its uh....4 in the morning. And Dean surprises me with breakfast. I mean, I really wasnt expecting it, maybe because it was freaking four in the morning!

"I wanted to. I made you coffee." he handed her the mug.

"Its so early tho."

"I know but, I couldnt wait. After all im pretty much the chef in the house. I never knew I was that good at cooking. Anyway, eat before your food gets cold."

"Can you put it in the microwave because I just really want to sleep right now." she yawned.

"No. Lets eat now and we can sleep together when we're done." He winked.

VC-Renee- I dont know what Dean's problem is. Since I got here, he's always around me, always doing things for me, always talking to me, always being protective of me. I dont know if he likes me or what- I mean im not going to be arrogant and say that he likes me but he's kinda in my way and I dont know how I feel about that. He's such a sweet guy dont get me wrong but I need my space. Stop treating me like im your girlfriend. Its a bit annoying.

"Yo. Im smelling bacon over there." a half asleep Paige said with her eyes closed, "Can you pass me some?"

"Sure." Renee said.

"No, get your own." Dean responded.

"Asshole." Paige muttered and fell back to sleep.

"Come on, we can go onto the patio and watch the sunrise while eating bacon. What a better way to wake up right?"he smiled.

VC-Renee- My weakness with Dean is his dimples. When I see him smile or blush and I see his dimples I just-i just cant. I can never say no to those dimples. They make me die.

"Fine. Lets go."

"Awsome!" Dean grabbed her hand and the plate with the other and rushed out onto the patio.

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