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VC-Seth- You're probably thinking that because we're staying in a mansion and we're on a reality tv show that we have house keeping or maids or butlers or whatever right? Well, we dont. And right now as I speak, there's a sink full of dishes with flies hovering above it and god knows what growing on it.

Seth hesitantly walked down to the kitchen that he was absolutely horrified to see.

Seth hesitantly walked down to the kitchen that he was absolutely horrified to see

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VC-Seth- I swear to god I live with little kids. These people dont know how pick up after themselves and apparently dont know how to do dishes either. The dishes are piled high in the sink, the trash bag is over flowing with trash, there's rotting food from weeks gone by on the counters, this place smells like a landfill and yet people still cook here.

"You people are pigs." Seth muttered as he observed the wasteland of a kitchen.

VC-Seth- Im OCD, and as much as I would love to ignore it like everyone else is doing, I cant! I need to put my apron on, get my rubber gloves and bleach and get to work. This is madness!

Seth did exactly what he said and began cleaning. Bayley saw him and offered to help.

VC-Seth- I come across a moldy, half eaten turkey sandwhich on the counter tops and immediately I knew who's one it was. Dean of course. Thats when I got this great idea. Whoever used a dish or left garbage in the kitchen, im going to do them a favour and return it....to their room...on their bed. These guys need to learn a lesson.

Seth sorted through the dirty dishes and identified who used what. Some how, he just knew. He found the frying pan that AJ had used earlier in the morning. He took it, barged into AJ's room and threw it on his bed.

"God not you again." AJ said.

"Do you know how to wash a dish? Until you learn, you're going to keep all the dishes you've used."

"The last time I checked buddy, you werent my mom."AJ said.

VC-AJ- Its something new with this guy every day.

Aj threw the pan at the side of his bed and resumed doing what he was doing.

VC-AJ- That frying pan is going to stay in this room until I leave. To hell with Seth and his bullshit. He's lucky I didnt hit him with it.


VC-Nikki- So, Hunter came to us and told us that he's throwing us a house party for making it this far. Lets get down and dirty shall we?

VC-Dean- Woop woop.

The producers of the show came together and threw the players a party in the backyard. Everyone put on their best outfits and headed outside to soak up the excitement. It seemed like the only time everyone would get along was when they were all partying. Thats until someone would have one too many drinks and end up causing a fight.

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