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VC-Paige-So ive been in this house for like a week now and I realized alliances have started to form. An alliance is basically like saying, dont send me into eliminations and I wont send you. That can really go a long way in this game and help me out. The only problem is, I have no alliances. Ive been solo since I got here and I have no clue how to even begin to form an alliance.

Paige, Becky and Charlotte were hanging out in their room doing their own thing and avoiding everyone. They were roomates afterall.

"I cant believe we're already down to 28 people. I mean, we literally just got here." Becky said.

"You're saying that like its too little. 28 is still a lot. Only two people went home." Charlotte said as she applied another layer of blue nail polish on her index finger.

"What do you think the next challenge is going to be about." asked Paige in her heavy British accent.

"I dont know. I hope its something like trivia. Hunter said trivia comes as challenges too and im a bit of a know it all. Anyway, whatever it is im sure i'll win this one." Charlotte said as she screwed the nail polish cap back on.

"Were you guys expecting Carmella to win the first challenge?" Becky asked.

"Oh no. Not at all. She looks like an air headed bimbo. Dean basically carried her all the way. If she was paired with someone else she wouldve been in the chamber for sure." Paige said.

"We still cant underestimate. We dont know what these people are made of." Charlotte added.

"You're right. I bet Heath is depressed that Eva went home. I heard they hooked up in one of the bathrooms." Paige said.

"Wait, she hooked up with Heath too? Three nights ago I looked outside into the pool and I saw her and Randy alone getting snuggly. Plus it was like 3 in the morning." Becky said.

" Man, I wonder how much times she's been passed around? Im happy she left. She looked useless." Charlotte said, "So guys, we're in a house filled with 14 attractive men. Is anyone interested in anyone?"

Becky and Paige gave her hesitant looks.

" Finn's kinda cute. Or maybe I like him just because he's Irish like me." Becky said.

" Cute? That guy is smokin'"Paige grinned, "Roman is a hottie too."

" Oh yea they're both hot. I got eyes for John lately." Charlotte said.

" Cena? Yea he's really good looking but not really my type. He was my team mate last week." Paige said.

" He's such a gentleman." Charlotte gushed.

"Hey, im not trying to jinx your game but you dont know how much longer you're gonna be here. So make the move while the oppurtunity is still present." Becky advised.

" No no no. He's just my eye candy. I told myself that my only focus would be winning that money. Men would just throw me off my game. You know how they are."

"Yea but I mean, fooling around isnt a crime. We're here to compete and also have a good time."Paige said while taking Charlotte's bottle of nail polish.

" Well, im just here to compete. Not to form relationships." Charlotte said sternly.

Paige exhaled loudly, "Whatever you say.

VC-Paige- Charlotte seems like a determined person. But c'mon, having fun wont kill you. I love to have a good time everywhere I go and I love to see other people have a good time to so I think Charlotte and I may butt heads for that.

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