Challenge 10: Crossover

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Challenge 10- Crossover

The remaining 10 players nervously approached Hunter at their next challenge grounds. The setting seemed pretty interesting. Hunter was standing in front of a lagoon but this time, there was no cargo net or platform hovering above.

They looked at his facial expression, it seemed more serious than ever.

VC-Alexa- The last time Hunter spoke to us, he said something big is coming. nervous. I can only imagine what it may be.

"Whats up guys? How you been? Slept good last night?" he asked.

Everyone shook their heads 'no'.

"Well, that doesnt matter to me anyway. Welcome to your tenth challenge. Before I begin, did any of you thought that you would make it this far?"

Only Charlotte nodded and raised her hand.

"Charlotte, you seem pretty confident."

"Im making it to the finals, Hunter."

"You sure about that?"

"Positive." She responded as Paige rolled her eyes.

"Well thats great. This challenge is called Crossover. Heres how its going to be played.

-Played in teams of 2 consisting of male and female.

- The teams will have to advance through a lagoon towards a sandbar.

- Two designated treasure chests will be buried in the sand (the spots will have a circle around it so they know where they have to dig)

- Two designated treasure chests will be buried in the sand (the spots will have a circle around it so they know where they have to dig)

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- Inside each treasure chest are 5 large puzzle pieces.

-  One team member will have to dig through the sand to retrieve the puzzle pieces from the buried chest.

-When they get the pieces they will have to advance back through the lagoon to place their pieces on a puzzle board.

-Then they will have to advance back through the lagoon back to the sandbar where the other team member will have to dig through the sand to retrieve the other 5 puzzle pieces from the second treasure chest.
-When the puzzle pieces are collected, they will advance back through the lagoon to finally assemble all pieces on the board.

"Sounds simple enough?" Hunter asked.

"Yea!" some said while the others shrugged.

" Notice when I gave the instructions I didnt say anything about the bottom 3 teams being sent to the draw? Well, that wont be happening. There will be NO eliminations this week."

"WOOHOOO!" AJ yelled and they all started clapping and cheering.

VC-Paige- Oh thank god! Finally we get a break!

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