Fight Night/ Elimination 7

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Everyone got dressed up and went out to a nightclub to relieve the stress and conflicts that was going on in the house. As usual, they all separated and went about doing their own thing.

AJ, John, Seth and Randy were sitting in the lounge area like a mean girl squad gossiping. Charlotte was sipping on a cocktail by herself. Paige was drinking out the bar while Alexa and Renee were awkwardly standing sipping their drink. Finn and Bayley were at a table talking. Roman and Brie were dancing and Dean was also at the bar drinking his problems away.

John stared at Roman and Brie. He tried not to look but his eyes kept going over to them. They seemed like they were having fun. His hands were around her waist as she slowly grind on him. They both were pretty tipsy and just wanted to enjoy each other's company.

VC-Brie- Roman and I are having such a great time with each other. Not to mention how good of a dancer he is and, you know what they say about guys who can dance, *she smirked *

She turned around and grabbed on to his shirt in a very sexy, seductive way. He bent his head and slowly made his way to her lips. She kissed him with everything that she had. It was one of the most passionate kisses she ever gave. It was intense, wet, wild, exciting. The past few weeks had been quite difficult for her so tonight, she was ready to forget everything and go all the way with Mr. Reigns.

Meanwhile at the bar, Dean was reeking of alcohol.

"You okay man?" The bartender asked him, "This is like your 12th shot."

"I don't care!" he slurred his words, "Im paying you so dont ask me my business!"

The bartender gave him the shot and he took it. As he took it, he dropped his head down on the counter.

"Dean?" Paige called, "You alright? You've been drinking like a madman."

He raised his head, "Where's Renee?"

"She's uh," Paige looked around, "Oh...she's with Randy."

"Randy? Why is she with Randy?"

"Come on, you want to go outside and get some fresh air?"

"NO! Where's Renee? Get her for me!" he dropped his head back dow

Paige grabbed his hand, "Come on! Lets go outside."

She basically dragged him all the way outside where it was much quieter so they can talk.

VC-Paige- Out of all the times we have been to clubs, Dean has never gotten this drunk. I definetly think he's under pressure from being backstabbed by his so called friend and even the love of his life isnt giving a shit about him. I feel for the guy. Its probably not easy for him right now.

He sat down on the sidewalk and Paige sat next to him.

He sat down on the sidewalk and Paige sat next to him

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