Chapter 2

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Eren's ringtone screamed at him. He's been ignoring his phone for like an hour and the caller just won't give up, there's only one person who does that.


That maniac won't stop bothering him every time a new omega comes in the sanctuary. The spectacle witch was playing match maker ever since they met. He wondered how Erwin managed to escape Hanji's match-making. Speaking of Erwin.

Erwin already reported to him that the "peaceful" raid was a success, both parties were unharmed and all the suspects were sleeping peacefully on their jail bed while the victims were still in medical observations. It seems that Hanji's top grade tranquilizer did the trick, of course, Eren gave a hell of a cash for those.

Eren was one of the biggest and powerful business man in the country, he owned banks, hotels, and countless beach resorts around the world mainly because of his obsession with the ocean.

He had been financing the "Survey Corps", a special force that tracked down human trafficking none-stop under the leadership of Erwin Smith.

The government's 'Omega Sanctuary' which went into twist and turns before it was fully stable and 100% safe for Omegas, especially for those who were rescued and developed   traumas. A lot of controversy and shit happened but it went well in the end.

And lastly, Hanji's experiments, Eren was drunk when Hanji gave him the papers. But on the bright side, Hanji discovered a way to remove the deadly essence of the suppressants in an Omegas blood stream, preventing every Omega who previously using them from suffering multiple and deadly illnesses.

Eren stared at his phone, it was still ringing and showing Hanji's smiling face. The ringing was stabbing his head, he rejected the call but it won't work on Hanji. The ringing continued as it echoed in his office.

Eren could handle multiple business crisis, rivals, and endless competitions. So why couldn't he handle Hanji?

Giving up he picked up his phone and pressed the green button.

"What now?" He complained, leaning back on this leather chair while pinching the bridge of his nose. He's expecting Hanji's deafening squeal but instead, a loud thud came, followed by heavy footsteps that faded in the background. Then multiple voices echoed through the line. Eren could hear Hanji's voice, shouting and sounded like she's panicking.

"Hanji! What's happening in there?!"

Only the quick series of footsteps in the background reached his ears.


He shouted. Something really did happened, whatever it was, it must be really bad that made Hanji dropped and left her phone.

Eren quickly grabbed his jacket and keys, keeping the phone on his ear as he entered his private elevator. As the doors closed the signal was cut which only made Eren more anxious.

All he could think about were the Omegas and Armin. If this was one of Hanji's experiments that 'went gone wrong' he'll surely strangle that beta.

He reached the underground parking lot of the building. Climbing on his car and putting an earpiece on. He could finally hear quick, heavy footsteps approaching, followed by Hanji's shaking voice.

"E-Eren ..."

"Hanji, speak to me right now." Eren ordered as he started the engine and drove to the road.

"He's gone!"

Eren twinced. His eardrum could burst but he'll worry about that later. He didn't manage to reply when Hanji continued like a machine gun.

"Eren! I'm so sorry! I know it's my job to look after the newcomer. I'm so so sorry!  I thought it was okay since Petra was looking after him and there's two guards on his door. But I didn't expect that he'll wake up NOW, and beated up the guards! He beat up two Betas. Two Betas, Eren! And he jumped out of the window! I think he's trying to escape! I'm so sorry Eren! I'll do everything I can to-"

"Wait! Hold your horse! Who's trying to escape?!" Finally, he was able to cut through Hanji's speech. This time, Hanji was different, the way her voice stuttered and the fear in them made him worry.


Something inside Eren snapped and made him hit the gas.


edited 02/19/21

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