Chapter 5

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"Erwin I need to talk to Kenny Ackerman." Hanji spoke as Erwin answered the phone.

Hanji needed info about the newcomer while the nurses and guards were trying to find him, she had to be prepared this time.

Eren would still kill her for slacking off though.

"Perfect, Ackerman won't spill the beans until he knows what happened to his nephew." Erwin said on the other line.


"I'll give him the phone"

"Hello? Mr. Ackerman?"

"Are the doctor in charge of Levi?" The voice on the other line was full concern. "Is he alright? Did the suppressants had done any damage to him? Can I speak to him?"

There's no doubt that this guy cared for the Omega, it was written all over his voice. Hanji could picture out Kenny Ackerman with teary eyes while they talk over the phone. She hardly believed that this guy murdered everyone on his own arena four years ago.

Hanji explained everything and reassuring that Levi's health was stable like a hundred times. Finally, Kenny started his tale.

Hanji took down notes as he speak.


Eren's bleeding bad, Levi bit both of his glands on his neck, nibbling each skin that his lips lands on. Sometimes, the little raven suddenly bit him between nibbles. Eren couldn't believe that he was marked without mating.

Alphas were supposed to mark their Omega first during mating. Even so, he felt his Alpha instinct was happy with this.

With his bloody neck, he couldn't make it back to medical building with him carrying his sleeping Omega in his arms. Thankfully, exhaustion took over the little omega before he marked every inch of his neck.

Eren kept walking until he spotted a familiar flower that only grew in that area.

Armin. He remembered Armin's cottage was around this area. The blonde Omega was one of the psychiatrist in the sanctuary, he's a volunteered doctors and he's more willing to live in the sanctuary.

Eren picked up his pace as he walked towards the path until a small cottage came to his sight. He knocked impatiently at the door.

"May I help yo- whaaa!" The blonde Omega shrieked when he saw Eren.

"I need your help," Eren let himself in, not waiting for Armin's approval.

"I can see that. Is he a vampire?" Armin eyed the sleeping Omega in his arms. The raven's lips and jaw was red, pits of blood on his gown and with his pale skin- Armin concluded that he's a vampire.

"Wha- no! Let me borrow your bed." Again Eren let himself in the bedroom and placed his mate gently on the covers.

He dashed into Armin's bathroom and grabbed a towel and basin with water. He set the basin on the table next to the bed, soaked the towel and twisted it to remove the extra water. Then, he started to wipe his Omega clean from head to toe.

"Armin let me borrow one of your night gowns." Eren started to remove his gown.

"I think a silk robe will be much easier," Armin took out a dark blue robe from his cabinet and handed it to Eren.

"Right, thanks," Eren continued taking care of his Omega, it felt good to touch his mate but his instinct was telling him to care for him instead of mounting him.

Seeing his mate clean, comfortable and sleeping soundly, made his heart swell. He cleaned himself afterwards and went into Armin who was sitting on the sofa of his living room.

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