Chapter 19

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Levi hissed at the alarming noise that came from Carla's pocket, she excused herself and hurried to the kitchen.

"That must be dad," Eren cooed with his Alpha voice.

"Hmmmm," Levi turned his face away from him.

"Hey, are you still upset?" Eren asked with his Alpha voice while he gently shook the Omega's shoulder. He thinks that Levi felt more comfortable if he communicated with his Alpha voice.

"Ags hids dou choiz gheesti," Levi whined as he eyed the kitchen where Carla hid. (I want to be with you.)

"Aren't we together now?"

"Jis." Levi pouted and glared at the kitchen's entry way. (No.)

Eren sighed with a smile, leaning over, he pressed kisses on Levi's face. Feeling the Omega's weight leaning on him, he continued until Levi turned his head in full submission. Eren stared at his limp form. Should he? Or should he not? Levi was currently under some influence, the Omega might get mad or scared at him for taking advantage of the situation when he was sobber. 

Levi waited, looking up at the Alpha who was currently having an internal argument with himself. He was getting tried of this! Why's his Alpha so fucking slow?! Levi wrapped his arms around the Alpha's neck and crashed their lips together.

Eren was shock for a moment but quickly recovers and dominated the Omega's mouth. He licked Levi's lips apart, forcing it open then he slid his tongue inside. He heard the other whimpered at the sudden intrusion and the sound of the opening and closing of the door. Carla must have seen them and took off to give them some privacy. Eren internally thank her.

He pulled back from from the other's lips, leaving a string of saliva that connected their mouth. Levi was trembling, face flushed, eyes clouded with lust and glowing? Levi's milk white skin glowed in a pearl like shade. Was this normal? Do all Omegas glow like this?

Levi whimpered in frustration this time, pulling Eren down on his lips again but failed due to his submissive, limp state. He wanted to smack his Alpha's head for staring too much and not doing anything. Levi whimpered again causing the Alpha slid out of the furniture and to pinned him in the floor while leaning down and giving the racen open mouth kisses on his neck. 

Levi squeaked when the Alpha started sucking right on the sensitive gland on his neck. His vision was getting blurry, his head was spinning, his body was trembling and heating up like a furnace. It's too much for him to handle. He cried when he felt the Alpha's hand went under his shirt, reaching out and pitching his nipple.

"E-Eren." Levi managed and tapping the Alpha's shoulder.

Eren stopped and looked down at him with worry. Letting his Alpha take over, he bit Levi's gland but not enough to break the skin but enough to force a raw scent directly on his mouth. This helped decipher his Omega's behavior, Levi was clearly arouse but something was holding him back.

Fear. Uncertainty.

Fuck! His mate was unmated, probably had no experience of any passionate, heated gestures and he actually let himself pinned him on the floor?! Other than that, Eren discovered that Levi was not under the influence of some drug anymore. Maybe the effects started to wareoff? Eren was not sure but he was glad that he could talk to his mate normally. Eren drew back and tenderly brushing Levi's raven locks away from his face.

"Too much?" Eren asked.

Levi just gave him a shy nod in response.

"We don't need hurry things up. I know everything of this is new to you and I'm sorry if I ahh.... pinned you in the floor." Eren sat up and holding the trembling Omega on his arms.

"No, it was my fault. I-I tempted you.... and... stuff. S-Sorry," Levi said with a shaking breath as he hid his face on the Alpha's neck. He was very embarrassed that he started everything and ending it just because he couldn't handle a little heated touches.

"It's fine, you need time and I'm willing to wait for you." He rubbed the Omega's back, the room was filled with the scent of embarrassment. Eren found it cute, though.

They both stayed like that for an hour until Levi's breathing and racing heart settled down but it didn't and it only made Eren worry. He needed something to distract Levi, but what? A flash of light came followed by a bang of the sky. Levi practically screamed and hugged Eren tighter.

The roof started pattering when the first batch of rain drops fell from the sky. Levi shrinked at the sound. And that's when Eren got an opening. Levi might not have a full experience of rain base on his reactions.

Eren scooped him up before stood and moved to the widow while carry Levi who was currently hugging him for dear life and still hiding his face on the world. Eren opened the window, taking Levi's hand, he gently stretched it out of the window. Levi flinched when the first raindrop hits at the back of his hand, he withdraw it instantly, but Eren stopped him.

"Look Levi, it's raining." Eren crooned.

Levi peek at the crook of Eren neck. His eyes widen at the sight of the rain and the cold water that was landing on his hand. He unbuckle himself from Eren and moved closer to the window without removing his hand on Eren's. He watched in awe at the rain, looking up in the gloomy sky and opening his palm to catch the rain drops.

Eren watched Levi with a smile on his face, knowing that his mate had calm down and relaxed. But not for long when another lighting strikes again followed by thr rolling thunder. Levi turned away from the window and hugged him again but after a few seconds, Levi was back in the window again, admiring the view. Eren  silently admired his one and only mate.


edited 02/24/21

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