Chapter 11

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No. Levi's not doing it even it was effective. Levi is sitting on the living room's sofa. He folded his knee to his chest as he poke the figurine dog's wobbling head on the coffee table.

They finished eating and Eren washed the plates while he cleaned the corners of the house. Levi's been bothered about it, after he ate and he couldn't stop himself from getting a wet cloth. He wiped down every dusty surface he saw.

Eren let him be which was a good thing. The Alpha could sense the Omega's focus was set to getting rid of the filth in the house.

But now Levi's finished with the cleaning, he remembered about Eren going to work. His instinct was telling him to seduce the Alpha, this time he's not scolding or yelling at Levi but just throwing suggestions here and there. But Levi doesn't know how to seduce, all he could do was bring his opponents down to their misery.

'I can help you, I won't take over you this time and not ever. I don't want displease Alpha anymore. You can follow me if you want or shit.' The voice gently told him, but God it felt like Levi was talking to his clone.

"O-okay." Levi stuttered. He couldn't believe that he's trying this with his consciousness on, that'll made embarrassment ten times stronger.

Maybe this was one step on controlling his instinct? To work with them instead of being taken over. Levi's not sure but what he needed now was to keep his Alpha with him at all cost.

"Levi, how are you feeling?" Eren asked, sitting next to the Omega. From the kitchen, he could smell Levi's scent as it switched multiple times.

After washing the dishes and cleaning up, Eren used the telephone on the kitchen to call Hanji's place and made arrangements on getting his clothes delivered. Hanji volunteered to buy Levi some clothes online since she knew Levi's size which made Eren growled at her. Armin left some clothes for Levi but the raven needed his own clothes. With that settled, Eren returned to his mate.

Levi looked away, his scent was a mixed of different emotions, which was new to Eren. Usually, Levi's scent would switched from one scent at a time in a quick pace but this one was different, it's like all the emotions were bundled up in one scent.

Eren started to panic but he froze when the Omega straddled his lap in one fluid movement. Levi face was dusted with a light shade of pink, which Eren found it beautiful and new. He had seen Levi in deep red when he's embarrassed and on other Omegas as well, but this one's pink! Not only that it seemed that his pale skin change to milk-white.

Eren restrained himself from running his tongue on that delectable skin. He clenched his fists hard to stop himself from mounting the Omega and control his scents of arousal. Also he needed to keep his dirty thoughts away, he couldn't afford that Levi to get the wrong idea. Eren wanted to prove that he was different from other Alphas that Levi probably met on his uncle's business or something.

For now, all he does was stare at the Omega's face. Lips red, stormy eyes shines every time he bat his dark long lashes, the dark circles under his eyes was replaced with a faded line of red that Eren thought was make up but it was clearly not.


Oh shit! What was that voice?! An angel?! Eren didn't move a single muscle, fearing that this angel in front of him will fly way.

"Eren.... umm. I know it's selfish to ask you... to not go to work but I was hoping that you won't leave me here." Levi snaked his arms around Eren's neck. "So...umm can you not go to work and stay with me here?" Levi looked away but he glanced at Eren.

Seeing that the Alpha didn't respond and stayed motionless, Levi followed the voice on his head. He pressed his head on the Alpha's chest. Purring, he slowly slid both hands down from Eren's neck, chest, theb he wrapped them around Eren's waist.

He released off a sweet scent. Levi found it was easy to do all the stuff the voiced told him. Maybe this not that hard as he thought earlier. Levi felt superior somehow, maybe this tactic would come in handy.

Eren shivered as Levi hands slid down to his body, he flinched when an alluring sweet scent surrounded him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Eren internally screamed. He recognize this scent, this was the scent Omegas in heat gives off to attract alpha. Pheromones! Was Levi in heat?! But Eren felt his skin, it was not hot like an Omega in heat and Levi was not under the spell of lust.

On the Alpha's side, instead of arousal, Eren felt the urge to surrender, to knelt down and kiss the Omega's feet. To submit. His Alpha instincts tried to help him decipher his omegas behavior.

'The omega wants something.'

Eren remembered that Levi doesn't want him leaving because of work. This was why his mate was doing this to him?! To make him stay?! Perhaps Levi wasn't aware of his surroundings when Armin told him that he needed a vacation too.

Though, Eren already decided that he won't say that, he'll just go with the flow. He doesn't want Levi's efforts do to waste.

"Ok, I'll stay. I'll just make arrangements at work." He lied, he's a workaholic. He did all his work in advance and did more on his free time.

Levi looked up to him, happy to know that his efforts were worth it. "Really? You'll do that? Th- thank you. T-this means a lot to...." He was hugging the Alpha without noticing it. "I-I need to go the bathroom."

With that Levi jumped off him and ran towards the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

Eren was left on the sofa, completely lost. Thinking what did his omega did to him?! The sweet scent quickly disappeared when Levi entered the bathroom. Eren felt the urge again, to sit in front of the bathroom door and wait for his Omega to get out.

Shaking his head, Eren took out one of Armin's notebooks onn his work corner and wrote all what he just experienced.

Hanji would be thrilled to know this. Eren thought that there's more to the wrath-thingy and Hanji could help sort this out, maybe Armin could help as well.

But Eren was sure of one thing: His Omega's very dangerous.


edited 02/19/21

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