Chapter 10

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Armin finishes his lecture with Hanji. He swiftly moves out of his house when the other omega's scents of distress became denser and Eren became more worried. It's better to leave the two. Now, he was standing in the middle of the beta's bedroom, facing Hanji who is sitting on the edge of her bed.

Hanji nodded with a big smile on her face. Well, Hanji's Hanji. Armin smiled back in defeat, thinking that control training won't work on the beta.

"Now it's your turn to listen to MY lectures." Hanji pulled out an old chest under the bed. Armin eyed the old chest, something was carved at the top: Chest of Wonders.

"I seldom opened this since I'm busy with my own research. This is my dad's, it contains 59 successful research and one unfinished," Hanji opened the chest, revealing the pile of papers. She dug out the oldest one and gave it to Armin.

Armin's eyes wide at the title of the research.

'Revival of the Omegas Wrath.'

"As I said the Omegas Wrath is an ancient instinct, it is still hidden deep inside of an omega." Hanji started, fixing her glasses she added. "Armin think about it if every Omega acquired this ancient instinct, crimes towards Omega will disappear! Puff!"

"I need supporting data that proves that survival is the reason why it awakens within Levi. I needed a full interview with him and his uncle." the beta took out her note and started scribbling.

"After what you did, I think it won't be easy." Armin said as he scans through the files. "What happens if you did discover it, and it will all end up like Levi."

"It won't end up like Levi. His behavior is an exception, he doesn't have a clue about mates and the dynamics. In short, Levi doesn't know the real him. The main reason that Levi attacked me and threatens you is pure jealousy."

Hanji tells about what happened at the time where he bugs Eren like usual on the phone and how Levi glared at her like a predator.

"He recognized but not fully understand, the knowledge about mates strengthen the ancient instincts that are why he attacked and tries to kill me. Unlike other omegas who will submit or make themselves attractive to win their alpha's attention. For now, let's figure out how will Levi control his instincts." Hanji is felt lucky that Armin get to live with her, she can have strong bases on the raven's behavior and other stuff.

"Base on my observation, Eren has a big role at that. Levi let out a cry which I did not expect, I think it's about the marks why he felt uneasy despite the acquired knowledge about mates. He marked Eren yet Eren didn't mark him. That's the reason of the sudden surrender, it's like one-sided love and Eren can still leave him."

"You're right, this is great!." Hanji scribbles on her pad.

"You want some tea?"

"Sure! And let's move on to my next lecture!" Hanji puts down her note and grabbed her laptop under her pillow. "It's about 'Increasing the chances of getting twins and triplets'!"

She gave Armin a demonic smile. "I already got the DNA from an omega with a generally low level of fertility and all I needed is high one, I want Levi's but I can't get it because of Petra back then, so~"

Armin wants to go home.

Levi snuggled deeper on Eren's form. He find it really nice to be alone with his mate, but Eren has work he might leave soon.

Levi let a cry slipped through his lips again. Thinking about Eren leaving him makes him feel alone like he always was in his room.

"Levi, it's alright I'm here," Eren crooned, holding him tighter. "What's the matter? You can tell me or I'll call your uncle?" he asked, though he doesn't have his phone there still a telephone on house.

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