Chapter 30

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Omg, I'm sorry I took forever to update this story's ending. I've rewriten this several times, I hope you like it.

Thank you so much for your support, I really appreciate it. Also, I love reading your comments, it keeps the smile on my face.

I hope you enjoy this last chapter!


"Wow," Hanji dropped down on her chair and grinned at Levi. "Since when was the last time we sat together here, drink tea, and talk?"

"A few months ago, when I asked Eren to leave the sanctuary," Levi replied, lifting the teacup by the rim like he usually does and took a sip of the delicious Early Grey.

"Wow, just wow," Hanji shook her head. Since the new system was implemented in the sanctuary, Hanji rarely sat down in her office and continue her research.

Levi's been busy as well, with school, taking care of Isabelle, and dealing with his ancient instincts. Hanji blinked at the reminder, she forgot about Levi's case. But looking at the raven right now, the smaller male was doing better, interacting with other people, going out of the house, and participating in activities. Levi was surprisingly doing well without his Alpha by his side.

"By the way," Levi placed his cup down and looked up at Hanji. "Armin said that you wanted to revive the Omega's Wrath? Why?"

Hanji leaned back on her chair with a sigh. "My initial plan was once I was able to revive it, was to awake the Wrath to every Omege in the sanctuary."

Levi inhaled sharply. "Why?"

"Levi, with your, awaken instincts, you can control Alphas and your heats!" Hanji exclaimed. "Just imagine how much it could benefit other Omegas!"

Levi felt the tug of his instincts, it was mild and quiet, he barely noticed it but he got the message that it wanted to say. "Hanji-"

"Hold on," she stopped him. "Remember I said that it was my initial plan."

Levi closed his mouth and nodded, letting the doctor continue.

"But after seeing you struggle with it, it caused more hardship than ease. And you have Eren then! Just imagine if Eren wasn't there to hold you grounded."

"Right," Levi nodded.

"Back in the days, Alphas fought for Omegas but little did everyone know, Omegas fought too for their chosen Alphas. That's just too cruel. And the Omegas here in the sanctuary would likely take advantage of the Omega's Wrath and probably control every Alpha for revenge."

"Just like Isabelle," Levi whispered. Imagining what things would be if Isabelle had her ancient instincts on, she'd probably kill Eren when they first met. The red-headed Omega hated Alphas after all and wanted them gone in the world. But not all Alphas were bad.

"Just like Armin warned me, if I continue with my research on reviving the Omega's Wrath, that would tick the balance of the dynamic and it doesn't end up good," Hanji shook her head.

"So, are you just going to leave your research?" Levi asked, happy to know that Hanji saw the risk if she continued her research. Maybe things were better the way it was.

"Not really, I'll revise everything and turned it into a textbook for school use!"

"Hmmm," Levi hummed. A book about Omegas? The raven read a few books about the dynamics but he has hardly seen a whole chapter that discussed everything about Omegas. "I think that's better."

"Right?! I'm so excited to start! I hope you don't mind if I ran to you for questions?"

"It's fine," Levi shrugged.

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