Chapter 26

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Levi felt his entire body withdraw when he was able to say those words out loud. His inner Omega doesn't like the idea one bit.

'Why are you pushing Alpha away?!' His Omega screamed at him. His body started trembling, but Levi clenched his fist on a tight ball. He's not letting his Omega took over his body again. Levi knew that asking Eren to leave is such a huge step but it's worth it.

Since Kenny left, Levi though of what it is like if he does leave the sanctuary. His reaction towards Eren's work troubled him when he thought about it. Levi admitted that he did overreact, he knew that Eren loved him as much and work is work. Thinking back, he should have talked to the brunette, perhaps invite him for a little break but he didn't. He left and brood about it than doing something. 

It made Levi realized that maybe once they left the sanctuary, Eren will be at work. And Levi had no idea what to do if he was alone, all by himself. Also, he thought that he can finally control his inner self but now, he started to doubt. 

Levi's hand flew to his chest, he left the pull of his instincts, forcing to take over his body.

"Levi!" Eren noticed the Omega's struggle and stood from his chair and help him.

"No! Stop!" Levi gasped as he got out of his chair and took a step away from his Alpha.

"Levi..." Eren stood on his ground. Stunned.

"Eren, listen to me." Levi panted, he was trembling as he internally fought his ancient self. "I know that I cannot always keep you by my side. You have to work, you have to hang out with your friends, your family." Levi gulped, he can't contain his scent any longer. He doesn't want Eren to think differently because his scent gave away his true emotions. Those emotions belonged to him alright, but the majority of it belonged to his possessive ancient self. "And I want you to be able to do those things without me overreacting and causing more trouble."

"Levi, I understand. But can we slow down a bit?" Eren took a step forward.  He doesn't want to leave his mate here, especially in a horrible condition. Levi was trembling, eyes watering and his scent is all over the place. Eren would sacrifice anything in the world just to get rid of the suffering that Levi is having right now.

"No, it won't work. The only way to straighten this stupid instinct is to push forward. I want to get out of here Eren," Levi's voice cracked. His mind kept saying that this plan was a good one and it will benefit all but his heart and instincts said otherwise. And Levi chooses his mind.

"Levi," Eren heartache seeing his mate struggled with his instincts. He wanted to say no, to ensure that he will never leave Levi's side just to prevent him from suffering. But, he saw the determination in Levi's eyes.

Closing the distance between them, Eren took Levi's hand on his. "Levi, I trust you and I believed that you can do this. I'll do what you asked and I'll leave tomorrow."

 Tears fell in Levi's eyes as he heard those words from his Alpha. Taking his hands from his Alpha, he then wrapped around Eren's body as he sobbed. Even then he was conflicted, a part of him was happy that Eren trust him but another part of him was devastated that his Alpha will be leaving him by tomorrow.

They stayed like that, caged in each other's embrace, hoping that tomorrow will never come.

But tomorrow came.

Levi froze on his spot in the doorway as he watched Eren packed his things in his new car. It wasn't easy. Last night as they went to bed, it took hours for Levi to fall asleep. He just stared at Eren's sleeping face, memorizing his features as if that if he doesn't, he'll forget his mate's face. Levi thought he was the only one having troubled sleeping but Eren as well.

"Can't sleep?" Eren asked. He can't sleep as well not because Levi was staring at him but since he is leaving sanctuary without his mate. 

"No," Levi whispered. He felt the weight in his heart grew heavier as the clock ticks.

"Me too, I was looking forward to leaving this place with you in my arms."

Levi closed his eyes and snuggled closer to his Alpha, feeling the urge to cry again but he had enough. He had enough of crying, he had to face this headstrong. That's how Kenny raised him.

"But I knew you could do this," Eren said, pulling him closer.

Despite the ache in his heart and painful sorrow that he is experiencing, Eren's words put a smile on his face.

Blinking back to reality, Levi's breath hitched when he watched as Eren place his last luggage in the car. His eyes started to water. Though Levi didn't expect that his inner Omega to be silent this day, the raven expected angry voices as this ancient self screamed at him but what Levi got today is nothing but whimpers of sorrow and heartbreak. He figured that his inner Omega had read the memo that Levi was not changing his mind about the plan.

The First plan will be a week of test run. Eren will call him three times to ensure his wellbeing. If Levi survived the week without his inner self taking over, or had hurt anyone, then they'll proceed. But the next week, Eren will be only called twice and so on until Levi will have to survive a month without any communication from his Alpha.

Levi can foresee that it will be torture, because he'll greatly miss Eren but it's also beneficial since Levi will concentrate and hopefully, be distracted with his schooling.

Eren closed the trunk shut, with slow steps, he approached Levi with a forced smile. He didn't say anything, he just wrapped Levi in his embrace while rubbing his neck on the Omega. Staking his claim.

Levi clung to his Alpha. The scent-marking didn't help him from stopping the tears. A month or so without his Alpha's on him, surely the calming scent will disappear then. His inner Omega howled, expressing his sorrow.

Eren kissed him before he straightened, tears silently fell in his eyes. "Goodbye, Levi." He said and bolted to his car because Alpha knew that if he didn't, he won't be able to leave his mate.

Levi wiped the tears in his eyes as he watched Eren entered the car and quickly drove away. Then instantly his inner self kicked it, talking over his body. Levi found himself running, trying to catch up with Eren's car.

"Frind!" His ancient tongue shouted stop but the car kept moving.

Then he stopped running. Levi blinked. He did it. He made his inner self stop. He felt his inner Omega slowly scooted in the corner, silently whining. He did it. Levi watched until the car was out of sight. But he knew this is just the beginning.

"Goodbye, Eren." He cried but this time it's tears of joy.

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