Chapter 20

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Time passes like a blur, with Levi adjusting to his new world and with other people. He was able to stand in a room with Hanji now without growling or glaring at her. He greatly thank Carla for her ideas in controlling and being one with his ancient self. He was able to control, trust, and listen to his own instincts. No more taking over, Levi felt like he owns his body once again.

But he became an awkward mess around Eren. Every time Eren touches him he recalls what he did and scoots away from the Alpha's touch. The hard part is looking at Eren's pained expression but it was always replace with a smile.

Levi admits it he was excited, and bold at the beginning but he felt too much and he doesn't know what is right or wrong anymore. He wants to talk to Carla but the other Omega had gone home and Levi doesn't know how long she'll come back. He can't simply ask Eren about it, he might ask what's wrong and that was Levi feared the most. Armin was his second choice but the blonde Omega is also unmated. He needs to talk to someone, a mated Omega that won't judge and laugh at him.

Around 7 after breakfast, Levi would walk around the small forest just at the side on Armin's house. He felt his relationship with Eren became distant because of him. He can't talk straight or even look at the Alpha's eyes. And how can Eren still smile so pleasantly in front of him? It only pulls the strings of guilt in Levi's heart and it is getting painful every second.

Levi flinched when his feet steps on something cold, his been walking bare foot every time he's off for a walk, only stepping on the grass. Looking down he found himself standing on the peddled shore of a swallow river. The water is impressively crystal clear he can see small fishes fighting against the current.

Levi never seen this river before, he must have walk far away than usual. Checking his surrounding Levi starts to panic, nothing looks familiar to him and he doesn't know how he got there and how to return home. He involuntary let out an Omega cry, hoping that his Alpha will come for him but after what it feels like an hour, no one came.

He sprint out of the river and through the forest, he can see the walls and they are very far. Levi doesn't know if that information can help him now. He can't think, he aimlessly ran on any direction, avoiding trees and dense bushes on the path. His heart is racing, his feet are starting to hurt, eyes tearing up and his scent of distress is scaring the birds from their nests.

He ran and until he collided on something with a red hair. He stared at the fallen figure on the ground as it whines in pain while it rubs it's but. Wait, Levi knew this person. It was the girl!

Isabelle looks at up and her pained expressions switches to bewilderment.

"Big Bro!" she exclaims as she launch herself on Levi. Levi skillfully avoided her and took a step back. Isabelle was not faze by it. " Big Bro, what are you doing here? Aren't..... you suppose to be with your..... m-mate?" Isabelle pouted as she struggles to say the word.

Well, this is a turn of personality. First time he met Isabelle, she was scared and angry at Alphas, especially to Eren. But now she actually accepts the idea of mates.

"I got lost...." that's all Levi had to say and Isabelle automatically leads the way. They end up walking on the grass instead of the road because of Levi's shoeless feet. Truth is he doesn't want to go back yet. He ends up to listening Isabelle's endless chattering.


Isabelle flinch at the sound of her name.

"Are you running away from something?" Levi ask when they stop walking

"Ahh.... yes."

"Isabelle! They're you are!" an adult Omega with a boyish hair appears from the brushes. She glared at Isabelle but her eyes soften when it landed on Levi. "Oh, Hello there. You must be Levi, all of us teachers were informed by Hanji, so you don't have to worry about anything. I am one of Isabelle's teachers, Nanaba. As you can see she escapes her class on Sir Marco, again." Nababa glares at Isabelle as she puts extra emphasis on the word 'again'.

"But-But history is boring!" Isabelle stumps her foot.

"No buts!" Nababa grabs her forearm, the red hair girl just whines as the action.

There are teachers inside the sanctuary? Levi wonders. Did he miss that information while he went out with Eren for a tour? As far as he can remember he focus his attention at the glaring at every Omega he sees.

"Can I join some classes?" Levi said aloud while the two are bickering.

Nanaba lightens up as well as Isabelle. "Yes! Of course you can! Please join me Big Bro!" Isabelle squeals.

"I think we could make some arrangements. I'll call Hanji and Eren Yeager, and then-"

"Can I start now?" Levi cuts in.

"I-I think you can but-"

"Big Bro can join with me! I don't mind going back to the basics, because I hardly understands it!" Isabelle insisted, she moves to Levi and hook her arms on the raven.

"I.... Fine," Nababa sighs in defeat. "I'll inform everyone who needs to be informed with this. Now, Isabelle I trust you on this, look after Le-"

"Come on! The classrooms is this way!" Isabelle jumps as she drags Levi.

Levi looks back to Nanaba but Nanaba just gesture him to go along with a sigh. She got a lot of work waiting for her.

History really caught Levi's interest, the teacher named Marco was also good at explaining or more like telling history like reading a story book which is much easy to understand. He can hardly believe that Isabelle didn't understand a thing or even call the subject boring.

He attends many classes with Isabelle after that, until red hair Omega is mentally drained and begs Levi to stop since it's sun set already and she is currently having an information overload. Isabelle takes him back home and to Levi's surprise, Isabelle didn't act like before when she met Eren. She willingly explain where Levi had been to for the rest of the day.

Eren was very worried and hugs Levi from the moment he opens the door and saw. Levi felt like he had a very loyal puppy that celebrates his return everyday. They ate dinner together with Isabelle, that's when the red hair Omega deeply apologize at the mates for her attitude on there first meeting. She greatly thanks Nanaba for getting the right information about mates on her thick head. After dinner, Levi watched Isabelle and Eren. Isabelle's energy leveled with Eren, making Levi think if the two are related, add the almost same shade of eye color. The two were talking none stop until Nanaba's voice reaches their ears. She came to get Isabelle since she is underage and there is a curfew on her dormitory. Both female Omegas waves good bye and left.

"Nanaba informed me that you are joining classes, that is great Levi! I'll buy all the books you needed and novels when you're tired of reading text books." Eren said with a proud smile on his face. He can afford anything for his Omega.

Levi just nods as a thank you. But somehow, why does he felt that going to school is a bad idea? Like he can foresee a warning but he can never be sure, not to mention that he can feel his instincts are also not sure about this school thingy. To sum it up, Levi is not sure if going to school will result to bad or good.

That night, Eren insisted that Levi will take the bed while he's going to take the coach. Levi can't argue any more when he saw his Alpha's pleasant smile. He ends up sleeping alone on Armin's bed. But come to think of it, when was the first time that Eren shared a bed with him?

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