Chapter 18

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"Eren! I love, love, love you~" Levi sang rubbing his head on Eren's back.

Eren's world stopped but reality turned his world again. Levi is not doing this on his own will.

"MOM!!!!!" Eren shouted.

"Calm down Eren. I just gave him my special mix apple surprise." Carla appears in the kitchen with a phone on her hand, taking him and Levi on film.

"Why?!" this is not the first time Carla gave her apple surprise to one of his friends. When he met Hanji and Erwin, her mother really took their time and trick them to try her apple surprise.

"Levi is a man in a few words and also just to be sure. You know the saying: alcohol goes in and truth goes out." Carla giggled.

"How long will this last?"

"About 12 to 13 hours."

Levi on the other hand tries to get his attention. When Eren finally looked at him he whines. "Why don't you say it back? You don't love me?" he started crying.

Levi never felt this way before and it fucking hurts. His emotions are all over the place, he wanted to cry and also wants to beat his Alpha for not giving what he wants. He's completely aware that he's acting like a spoiled brat but who fucking cares?! He knows he deserve more from freaken world!

"Levi, you don't know what you're talking about. My mother druged you." Eren cooed facing the Omega, he brush Levi's hair off his face.

"I know what I want and I get what I want!" Levi shouts.

Eren look hurt while Carla is secretly sending Levi a thumbs up. Carla's plan is working perfectly, Levi needs to know his stand on the relationship.

"Why don't you boys go to the living room while I prepare a snack here, go on. Shoo!" Carla kept her phone and shoo her son out with Levi.

On the living room, Levi scoots away from Eren on the sofa, sending the Alpha glares with teary eyes. Eren slowly approaches him, he puts his hand on Levi's shoulders when the other didn't push his hand away Eren grabs him and set him on his lap wrapping the Omega safely on his arms. He gently rocks Levi, scenting him while crooning, he continues this until he felt the Omega went limp and purrs on his arms.

Eren continues to croon louder and Levi response with his purrs that are get louder as well. Until the silent gaps of the living is filled with animalistic noise. Levi will hiss at Eren from time to time a simple reminder that he is still upset. Eren just keep replying with coos and croons, trying his best to comfort his Omega.

It's amazing to be able to understand each other with just animalistic noise, Eren feels like it is much better than using words. He felt each emotion on each different pitch from Levi's purrs and hisses and no words can easily compare to it. Eren tries to experiment by using his Alpha voice when he croons just to know what's Levi's reaction. It was risky, he admits, Levi might claw him because it was clear that the Omega was piss at him.

He croon with his Alpha voice on and he was surprise to see that Levi didn't flinch or anything out of ordinary.

"Els bruue ift shikue muvlids," Levi matters but Eren can clearly hear it. (I really do love you, that's the truth)

"Levi, you are drunk. It's hard for me to believe what you're saying is true. I'm sorry if I hurt you but.... ugh, it's hard to explain if you're under some alcohol." Eren sincerely said. He wants to hear those three words from Levi when he is not under some influence.

"Jachikline! Aws hadivas.... Doey ift jix kole..." Levi defended trying his best to stop the tears from dropping but he is still limp on Eren. (That's the truth! I love you.... Say something, please...)

"Alright, alright, I love you too. Very much, " Eren crooned in defeat. He can't take it, watching Levi's face was the most cutest thing when he tried not to cry. He rubs his face affectionately on Levi earning him a loud satisfied purr.

"Eren what do think you're doing?! Oh.... oh.." Carla peeks from the kitchen. She heard her son is using his Alpha voice so casually which is very disturbing and intimidating especially to Omegas. But she clearly see in action that Levi is not bother by it and was getting himself comfortable on Eren's lap.

"Nohuji ko plotue?" Levi asks, looking over at Carla's direction. (Is there something wrong?)

"Huh?" Carla yelps in confusion.

"She thought I was hurting you or something with my Alpha voice," Eren explains to Levi in his mother's behalf. Levi just nods and nuzzles on the Alpha's neck.

"Wait! you can understand him?" Carla ask, setting her discomfort from Eren's Alpha voice aside.

"Of course I can. Why would I not?"

"Eren, Levi is using another language that I never heard before."

"What are you talking about.... Oh, right. I didn't notice it," Eren said in awe. He really didn't notice it, all he knew is that he understand it perfectly. Though, he wants to try something.

"Levi, are you hungry?" Eren ask without using his Alpha voice.

"Didn't we just ate?" Levi said in annoyance.

"Are you sure you are not hungry?" Eren ask again this time his using his Alpha voice.

"Fihde, bhue," Levi rolls his eye at his Alpha's stupidity. (Yes, idiot)

"Wow," Carla carefully watch the interaction at the side. She did knew that she occasionally talking to a different person when she talk to Levi a while ago but this completely new.

"Levi, can you tell me what you can do with your wrath? Like, does it gave you super powers or special abilities?" Eren ask, still using his Alpha voice.

"Aft..... Aft wei hadvic na lopas dujiy dagsi folle baz," Levi reply, watching Eren carefully.

".....Really?" Eren said in boredom, clearly not please with the information.

"What did he say?" Carla demands.

"He said, he thinks he can control his heat."

"Oh, ok. Where can I get this wrath thingy?" Carla puffs.

"Where can a Omega get the wrath thingy, Levi?" Eren looks down at Levi.

"Asd het fujiebuhe kasall dakip, ghute ift vacil bardfiljee. Gash khio werg.". (It's in the blood of every Omega, young and old. It needs to be awaken)

"Wait! You actually ask him?! Eren you are a translator for the day." Carla moves to the sofa despite of the discomfort from Eren's Alpha voice. "I need to hear this now!"

Levi surprisingly talkative using his ancient language and Eren wince at every profanities that Levi said along the way. Eren is silently taking note at everything that Levi is talking about while he translate it for his mother.

"Oh, excuse me!" Carla excuse herself when her phone rang, Levi hiss at the alarming sound making Carla retreat faster on the kitchen.

It was Grisha of course.

"Honey! Where are you?! You might want to see this!" Carla squeals.

"I'm at Hanji's place we need to discuss something."

"If it's about Levi ancient instincts and stuff, why do you just ask him? Eren and I are currently talking to him right now."


"Yeah, he is freely talking to us on a whole different language!" Carla exclaims as she walks out of the kitchen to check the mates on the living room. Her eyes widen at the sight.

"We are going there right now." Grisha said on the line.

"Wait! I think we can all talk to Levi next time. I'll go there instead." Carla walks out, opening the back door on the kitchen. "I don't think Levi will talk when Eren is occupying his mouth." Carla just giggles as she leave the house.

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