Chapter 25

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"Alright, you better start talking!"

Kenny cringed when the lamp was shoved near his face. "The fuck, this is ridiculous!" He protested, pushing the lamp off of his face.

"Is she for real?" Kenny asked the other person in the interrogating room.

"I do apologize for my friend's... Ummm... Hange, please stop," Erwin sighed, pleading at his friend. Hange was on top of the table, leaning towards Mr. Kenny Ackermen, eyes squinted at the older Alpha.

"Hey, Captain America. I just want to say that I borrowed my nephew's mate's car. I had his full permission." Kenny slowly pushed his chair away from the table. The crazy lady was starting to enter his personal space.

"Do you know anything else that Levi can do? Of course, you do! You raised him!" Hange slammed her hands on the table before sliding off of it and gathered her notes. "Tell me everything!"

"Look," Kenny straightened. "Levi grew up like a normal kid." He crossed his arms on his chest, proud to say that he raised Levi 'normally'.

"So you know what happened to Kuchel Ackerman?" Erwin asked. Then Kenny's face fell.

"Yes," Kenny confirmed with a straight face.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me the first place!" Hange shrieked, she climbed the table again and reached for Kenny's collar.

"Oh shit!" Kenny tried to struggle away, thankfully, Erwin grabbed Hange by her shirt and put her back to her place.

"You knew! You knew!" the Doctor cried, pointing an accusing finger at Kenny.

"Care you tell us then?" Erwin encouraged.

"I guess there is no finding since you guys already knew."

"Yes, but what we gathered is not enough!" Hange broke away from Erwin's hold, finally, she noticed how serious the topic was and calmed down. "Please, I'm Levi's doctor. I need to know everything so I can help him." She begged.

Kenny stared at the doctor then he switched his gaze to Captain America and back to the crazy doctor. He sighed. "My sister volunteered for the experiments. She did that to get the money."

"She was paid?" Hange asked as she took notes.

"The payment was sent to me... That's how I was able to afford to operate a pit fight." Kenny doesn't care now, he will go to jail after this but he's doing this for Levi.

"Interesting," Erwin listened at the corner. He always wondered how Kenny Ackerman was able to afford everything. The guy always changed his location and surely it was not all cheap.

"She sent me letters, telling me her well-being and how everyone treated her well."

"Where are the letters?"

"Burned them, that's what she instructed me."

"I see," Hange whispered as she scribbled on her notes.

"Then she came home with a child."

Hange braced in her spot, her hand started trembling while she tried to contain her excitement.

"She was so weak, the moment I took Levi from her, she collapsed," Kenny closed his eyes, trying his best for his voice not to crack as he recalled the memory.

"Did you buried her?"

"She requested to be burnt. I didn't go against her, burning the dead was normal in the underground." Kenny shrugged. "She didn't tell me what actually happened that day."

"I'm sorry for what had happened to your sister," Hange apologized sincerely. It was all his father's doing after all but she won't voice it. She doesn't want Kenny to mistrust her. Learning about the Omega's Wrath was interesting but Hange knew her boundaries.

"It's fine, it was a long time ago."

"Alright, please tell me what it is like to raise Levi."


Hange took a deep breath before telling every detail of the experiment that Kuchel had gone through and told the older Alpha the possibilities that Levi might have carried it in his blood. Kenny was silent as the doctor explain but Hange can see the emotions in his eyes. Kenny was mad at what happened when Hange finished his story, he leaned back on his chair and stared up at the ceiling.

"You want to know what was it like when I raised Levi, right?"

"Yes, please."

"Well," Kenny straightened. "He grew up like any normal kid. He was not aggressive or anything. Even when he was presented as an Omega."

"I see," Hange jotted down on her notes.

"Listen here doc, whatever this ancient Omega thing that has awoken in Levi, I know he can handle it just fine. Because that's how I raised him," Kenny proudly said.

Hange smiled. She believed him, Levi has been doing so well in such a pace. The raven goes to school, he interacted with other people aside from Eren and it seemed like Levi doesn't have any difficulties with his inner instincts as much as before.

"By the way," Kenny turned to Erwin who was silently observing them in the corner of the room. "Don't you guys offer snacks? I'm starving."


Eren took the eggs from the pan and placed it on the plate. Turning off the stove, he placed the dish in the table, all utensils, drinks, and plates are ready. The only missing piece was the diners. Walking around the table, Eren went to the living room. He saw the raven standing in the window, blue-gray eyes stared at the distance.

"Hey," He called out.

Upon the call, Levi blinked back to reality and turned Eren. "Hey," he said back.

"Let's eat."

"Okay," Levi glanced back at the window again before walking towards the Alpha.

"Are you worried about your Uncle? I can bail him out of jail if you want?" Eren offered. Levi's been a little down after Kenny left, with his extended stay in the sanctuary, the old Alpha was caught by the authorities and currently under Erwin and Hange's care.

"Thank you, but I think Kenny can manage," Levi shook his head.

Eren draped his arm over the raven's shoulder and guided him to the dining area. "If you say so,  can I know what's on your mind?"

Levi sat on his seat and helped himself with the eggs that the brunette cooked. "Yes, I've been thinking."

"Hmmm," Eren hummed, encouraging the smaller male to continue.

"I... I was thinking that I should concentrate on how to control my inner instincts effectively."

"That's great, but I want you to know that you were doing so well these days!" Eren cheered. He had seen how the raven improved so much. Levi can control his scent now and he was able to interact with other people. He even made friends.

"Thanks, yet it is not enough. And I need your help on this one."

"Awesome! How can I help?"

Levi took a long quivering breath. He doesn't like the idea, he felt his Omega screaming at him for planning that out. But he knew he had to do this, Eren had to do it. Even if his heart will shed into pieces every day and night. Levi had to, he wanted to improve so much and this is the best way.

"Eren, I want you to leave the sanctuary."

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