Chapter 1

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    "Finish him!!!"
    The crowd ordered Levi. The raven haired Omega stood in the middle of the pit looking down at the unconscious alpha lying on the ground. Levi stared at the alpha's bleeding face, watching as his blood ozeed out of his open wounds.
    There is no way he's touching that disgusting skin. The crowd started throwing junk at him for not complying their orders. His uncle Kenny Ackerman, a tall well-built Alpha, raging with dominance yet he had a soft spot for his nephew, is tapping his left foot impatiently, silently telling his nephew to do it. Levi glared at him that simply means: N O and Y U C K. Defeated, Kenny placed his palm on his face and sighed.
    Levi's aware that his uncle cared for him. The old Alpha took care of Levi when his mother died when he was born. He raised him to be a fighter for the world is dangerous. At the age of 7, he trained Levi hand to hand combat to using weapons and the difficulty level increases as he aged. True, Levi never experienced a normal childhood back then but what else Kenny will do? He owns an illegal pit fight.
    Despite the hard trianing, Kenny still feared for his newphew's safety. He never let Levi leave his room, Kenny's reason is to keep his nephew safe from kidnappings and using him for ransom or any type of blackmailing. Plus, he doesn't want his men and fighters to fill his head and influence him with shit.
    Kenny took the opportunity to explain and let Levi understand their current situation.
    As he grew up, Levi is all alone surrounded by the four walls of his room when his uncle doesn't come to train him or simply talk to him and it was boring him to death. His room has no source of entertainment even a window to take a look at the world behind the walls. So he managed to entertain himself by cleaning his room over and over again until he can tell that there's a single dust on a certain area. It got worse as he grew up.
    Aside from combat training Kenny also hired someone to teach Levi how to read, comprehend, count and write. However, his nephew's education didn't go further since it's hard to find teachers who are willing to walk on the street of the undergrounds. Due to that, the raven focused on combat.
    Levi understood his uncle, he even volunteered to fight when he was 14 to help his uncle keep the money in and to leave his room for once. Kenny never force or even ask him to enter the pit but when Levi wants to fight Kenny allows it.... while preparing his gun just in case his nephew's opponent beat him up but that scenario never happened.
    Kenny was careful, he never let anyone know that his prize fighter is his nephew or that he had a nephew in the first place.
    When Levi was presented as an Omega at the age of 16, Kenny's over protectiveness reached a whole new level. Levi was in the pit finishing his opponent when his heat hit him. Kenny snapped when all the audience, his men, the fighters in their cell, even Levi's battered opponent looked at his nephew with lust as they reach for him. The fighters on their cell tries to break free to mate with Levi.
    Kenny can almost taste the confusion, discomfort, and fear on his nephew and that's enough to grab his machine gun,  aiming at everyone who dares approached Levi. Kenny killed everyone that day. He doesn't care.
    His nephew is an omega, they need to leave the underground.
    Levi never understood what happened that day. He only woke up in an unfamiliar yet similar: no windows.
    He'll think about his current location later due to his brain is completely distracted. His skin is itching and burning from his clothes as he shifted on the wet covers. He's so confused, he doesn't have any idea what's wrong with him, his ass is leaking something and he didn't want to know what it is for all he knew it was dirty.
    Everything is dirty. He wants to get out of the disgusting bed but his everything hurt so bad. He felt empty inside, followed by a certain yearing for someone, then an unbearable pain shot him all at once causing him to faint again.
    Kenny had no problem moving on the surface. He had many connections to keep his fights open with new fighters and customers. However there's risk, the cops can easily locate him.
    Kenny himself and his business may be at risk but all he can think about is Levi. At first, Kenny doesn't care about his nephew's dynamic he may be an alpha, beta or omega he will treat Levi the same as always. But what Kenny is frightened of is the realization that Levi won't have a normal life as an Omega if he kept the raven by his side.
    Fuck it, Levi never had a normal life because of him. He's just protecting Levi at the best of his capabilities, is that bad? At that time crime rates towards omega are extremely high on the surface and it was double in the underground. If he let Levi go he might end up like his mother. Kenny shudders at the thought.
    "No, I won't let that happened to Levi," Kenny promise to himself. After all the main reason why he made the decision to move to the surface is the news that the government will establish an omega sanctuary.
    After the agonizing heat, Levi demanded answers from his uncle. Kenny frown as Levi shouted hundreds of questions at him. The raven stopped midway when he realizes that his uncle is about to cry.
    Levi's silence made Kenny snapped out of the trance and left Levi standing in his room. The omega never understood a thing.
    Starting that day Kenny became distant to him, Levi tried to open the topic again in a gentle manner when Kenny reluctantly handed him some medicines that can stop the heat but Kenny frowned, averting his eyes and walked out of his room. The same thing he does when Levi asks about his mother.
    Kenny kept blaming himself. His mind is clouded with such as: what if Levi can't bare his own child because of the rough training he did years ago? what if Levi became sick because of the suppressants? what if... what if... what if.... those thoughts kept going on and on but one thought made him angry. What if Levi's mate won't accept him because his nephew is not the typical slim and soft omega? - Kenny will beat the hell out of that guy.
    "Excuse me, boss."
    Kenny's subside for the mean time. The guy that regularly gave him information about the sanctuary is tilting his head in submission. When Kenny glared at him he started to speak again.
    "For now the sanctuary is still unstable, some of the facilities are incomplete. I think it will take some time for the sanctuary to be fully equipped and operational."
    Kenny pinched the bridge of his nose.
    He clearly said "some time". 4 years is NOT "some time"! Kenny secretly cutting the dosage of Levi's suppressants and providing him healthy good quality food to keep his health clear for 4 years!
    Through those years, he manages to explain the dynamics briefly to his nephew, he seems content with the brief info but Levi is not a child anymore he wants to know the things he should know yet Kenny can't do it, he can't explain the dynamics to him especially about mates. If Levi knew about the reason of the heat and mates, his Omega instincts will enable and search for his mate.
    Why can't Levi remain as a child? Not just physically but also mentally. Is this what parents feel when their children grew up and live their own lives?
    But today is the day, the sanctuary is stable. He had to let go of Levi even if it hurts him, the Omega will surely disagree, he has to, whether Levi like it or not.
    He was about to break the news when Levi requested that he wants to fight. Levi loved fighting and this will be the last moment he'll see his nephew win. So Kenny let his prescious newphew fight for the last time.
    Kenny was about to raised his hand to call off the fight and announce the winner when one of the audience fell from the bleachers and landed on the pit.
    Silence, as everyone stared at the fallen figured. Levi is still glued in the middle of the pit but he can clearly see the reason why this man fell and now unconscious, there's a tranquilizer dart on his neck.
    Levi didn't manage blink when another one from the audience got hit, then another, and another and another. Levi turned his gaze back to his uncle only to find him unconscious with a dart sticking on his neck. Everything happened so fast, he can hardly feel the sting of the dart on his neck, a second later his body became heavy, his legs gave out and his vision was blurry until darkness enveloped him.

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