Chapter 27

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"You did the bravest thing, Levi." Hange patted the raven on his shoulder. "I'm so proud of you."

Levi came to her office that day, with a tear-stained face. He explained everything starting when he left Hange on their little lesson. The Beta listened to the raven's tale and was fascinated with Levi's plan about letting Eren leave the sanctuary. She also took notes of how Levi was able to gain control of his body when his ancient instincts took over. She didn't mention yet that the Omega's uncle was caught, maybe she'll share it some other time when Levi is not crying his eyes out.

"Thanks, but I'm tried to crying!" He scolded himself as he wipes his face clean with a towel. "My chest hurts more than it should."

"But you are happy with this plan, right?" Hange asked, watching Levi's reaction carefully.

"Of course, I am. I'm so happy that Eren trusts me." He smiled yet the tears kept falling.

"It seems that Eren's departure really affected your inner instincts," Hange observed. Levi's logical side was happy with the plan yet the ones that kept crying were his ancient self. It was like watching two people inside one body. It was not healthy at all. Maybe Armin was right, the blonde Omega shared his thoughts regarding the revival of the Omega's Wrath. He voted against Hange and that time the doctor was not sure why Armin was against it. Looking at Levi right now, Hange knew why.

"I'll make some tea," Hange moved to the mini kitchen that she had on her office. "Any preference?"

"Earl Grey please." Levi moved from his spot, he went to the storage room and came back with the giant orca plush in his arms. He climbs over the ledge of the huge windows, opening it, Levi sighed at the fresh breeze that flew in.

As they waited for the water to boil, Hange moves to the raven's side. "You okay?"

"Yes, but my inner self is not."

"You know, I may not be an Omega but I knew I few things as a doctor."


"Getting rid of your instincts is not the fastest solution, instead, getting along with it."

"I'm trying to get along," Levi huffed. "This stupid instincts had other plans. I know that I can survive a month without Eren."

"I know you do," Hange smiled. "Now, let me fetch you some tea."


"Can I really stay here?" Isabelle asked on the doorway.

"Yes, Armin won't be coming back here with all the work he had," Levi said as he carried all the red-haired Omega's things inside. Levi figured that he needed company, someone who he can trust and willing to listens to him and the first that came to his mind was Isabelle.

"That Alpha, he is not here?" Green eyes darts around the house. Checking for and brunette Alpha.

Levi's breath quivered, sorrow rises to his heart at the simple reminder that Eren is no longer with him. But he refused to be swayed with the emotions. He knew he can do this. Yet his voice cannot hide his sadness. "N-no."

"Oh... He left you," Isabelle clutched her fist in a tight ball. She knew that mates don't exist, she was slowly accepting the fact that her big bro had a mate but obviously the Alpha's gone. It just proves it.

"No," Levi sighed, noticing Isabelle's rage. He turned around and smiled at her. "I ordered him to leave."

Green eyes blown wide. It almost made Levi think that Eren and Isabelle could be related. "Why?"

"I want to settle something with myself, it would help a lot without his presence."

"And then he just left?"

"He left because he trusted my decision."

Isabelle pressed her lips in a thin line, pondering at the information Levi threw at her.

"Hey, get inside. I have snacks here." Levi walked towards the kitchen, opening the refrigerator, and took out the cake. It's been two days since Eren left and the Alpha started sending him gifts, it may be food, desserts or stuff animals. Now Levi had his own giant orca plush. Each gift had notes and letters, simple encouragements, and sweet nothings. Levi kept them all, safe in the shoebox under his bed. He occasionally pulled them out and read each every time his inner instincts weals in sorrow.

"Is that cake?!" Isabelle drolls as Levi sliced the cake.

"Strawberry cheesecake, Eren sent this to me first thing in the morning."

"Oh, I see..."

Levi gave Isabelle a slice and served himself. They sat quietly in the dining table, enjoying the sweetness strawberry flavored cake. Isabelle's glances were not unnoticed, Levi knew that the red-haired Omega is still conflicted about the idea of mates. He can't really blame her though.


"Hmm?"  Levi hummed, finishing his cake.

"What is it like to have a real mate?"

The fork in Levi's hand went still as he tried to find the right word that will convey the feeling. He could use a lot of fancy words but there is one word that came first in his mind. "Well, it is beautiful."

"How? Because of the gifts he gave you?" Isabelle eyed the cake.

"It's not just the gifts Izzy," Levi paused, replaying the memories he had with Eren. "It's how you care for one another, looking at each other's back. For us Omegas, it feels safe to have your Alpha near. Like home."

"I never had a home."

Levi frowned. He might not have a decent home but Levi knew better, his uncle did his best to provide him home despite all the illegal things he'd done. The raven can't even stay mad at him for locking him up as he grew up, Levi understood his uncle's reasons. Looking at Isabelle now, he felt the pull of his instincts, for the first time it was not Eren it's howling about. Maybe having another Omega around is not a bad idea. "I guess it is not too late."

Isabelle perked up, giving him a puzzled look as she titled her head in the side.

Levi smiled, feeling his heart warms up. "Welcome home Izzy."

Isabelle's green eyes widen like saucers, then tears slowly fell from her eyes.

Levi smiled, opening his arms wide. Welcoming her as her little sister. The red-haired Omega kept claiming him as her big brother, Levi thought that maybe it is time to make things official.

Isabelle immediately rushed to his embrace, hugged back tightly as if she doesn't, Levi will disappear. It was simple yet the raven felt his inner instincts nodded on his decision.

Levi sighed with delight. Thankful that his inner self understood that he is not alone without Eren. He had Hange, his uncle, Armin, Farlan, and now Isabelle, his little sister.

Levi can see himself finally leaving this place with certainty.

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