Chapter 28

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I deeply apologize for the late update. Please spare this poor soul ~


"Big bro?"

Levi paused from his cleaning at Isabelle's call. It's been a week and he seldom cries because of the absence of his Alpha. It was all thanks to the red-haired Omega.

Isabelle insisted on sleeping with him, she claimed that she can't sleep well in new places, so Levi allowed it. Snuggling up to his little sister helped distract his ancient instincts. Instead of brooding over Eren's absence, he can focus on taking care of Isabelle.

"Yes?" Levi threw the rug in the sink. He can wash it later, first, he needs to give all of his attention to Isabelle.

"What happens... if the person you like is not an Alpha?" she asked while she traced her finger at the window pane.

Levi blinked at her then smiled. "I don't think that dynamics are that important. As long as you like that person."

"But will I'll be able to leave this place?" Isabelle asked and turned to the window. Beyond the tall trees, the wall stood high, blocking everything in sight.

Levi frowned. He was not sure as far as he knew only Alphas can get inside the sanctuary and converse with the Omegas. But he wanted to stay positive for Isabelle. "I'm not sure Izzy. But I can ask Armin about it."

"Okay, thank you. I'm just curious, it's not like I like some Beta or anything," Isabelle pouted.

"Sure," Levi tried to suppress his laugh. He certainly knew who she was referring to.

All those times during lunch break, Isabelle always asked Farlan to join them in their table. And at breaks, the red-haired Omega likes to hang around with the Beta. And based on Levi's observation, Farlan likes her too. The way he smiles when she's around. As the janitor, Farlan's exhausted by the end of the day but when Isabelle came in to help him out when putting away all his cleaning equipment, Farlan lighten up.

"Eren's going to call you today?" Isabelle asked.

"Yeah... " Levi whispered. His heart warms at the simple idea of hearing his mate's voice once again. He felt his inner instincts jumped for joy and cheered like no tomorrow. If this kept on going, Levi will surely get annoyed by his stupid instincts.

"I'll give you guys some privacy then. I'll just be at Farlan's cottage."

"Of course," Levi smiled. He'd been Farlan's cottage before. It was similar to Armin cottage (which they are staying now) and it's not too far.

"What are you smiling at?" Isabelle asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"Nothing. I'm just excited to hear from Eren again," that was partially true.

"Oh, okay. I'll be back before lunch!" Isabelle skipped towards the door. She waved at Levi before she left.

Levi waved back and watched her leave. Closing the door, Levi went to his room and took the cellphone that Eren gave him from the bedside cabinet. And waited for it to ring.

At exactly 10, his rang, showing Eren's name and picture. Pressing the green button, Levi put it in speaker mode.

"Hello? Levi?" Eren's voice was like a lance that pierced through his aching heart.

"Eren," Levi silently cried. He missed him so much. But this time he didn't burst into tears and sobbing like a child. Unlike the first week.

It was so hard when he received Eren's first call. He can't see the Alpha's face and it pains his inner self. Levi cried pathetically during that time and hardly spoke a word. It got the Alpha worried and asked Levi permission to visit him. But Levi said no, knowing that this phase will pass.

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