Chapter 21

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Levi followed the routine of getting up early, take a bath, breakfast and walk to the education building with Isabelle on tow. He met a lot of people as well, including Farlan, who is the janitor of the building. They met when Levi tries to clean the comfort rooms during his vacant periods. Farlan will be always there to help with the cleaning so as Isabelle, who slowly developed a crush on the beta.

During the times when Levi went to school, Eren would clean the house and check all his business on the kitchen phone. Not a moment later, Eren had delivered his laptop and documents to Armin's house. Jean got ahead of them for now and Eren is not backing down when it comes to competing with his horse-faced friend/rival.

One afternoon when Levi had no scheduled classes, he would read the books that Eren brought. He would busied himself with those books until he read all. Eren would notice it and bought more on the following day.

Their routine went on and on until Levi felt the huge distance between them. Before, they are busy with each other, they would cuddle the whole day but now Eren is fully focused on his laptop while being surrounded by stacks of documents, sometimes the Alpha will nearly forgets to eat. Levi on the other hand is always covered by a book and the stacks of books around him are getting taller.

Levi sneak a peek at Eren. When was actually that last time they talk? they hugged? they cuddle? they kiss? or simply looked at each others eyes? Levi is not sure, with him being on the school for the at least 8 hours or less in a day. He can't feel anything with his mate, he felt like there is a barrier between them now. Could it be that Eren was actually mad at him? Probably disappointed? Or maybe he is tired of waiting?

'Alpha is not satisfied....'

Levi flinches at the familiar voice.

"We can't satisfied Alpha....'

Levi wants to scream, it's not his fault that he is not ready or for being a virgin. Eren understands that, Eren did say that to him on the first place. Eren will wait for him.

'But Alpha is not....'

Levi can't suppress an Omegan cry, he needs his Alpha's comfort and reassurance but..... nothing came. His scent of distress is all over and he let out a cry but Eren is still focus on his laptop, like Levi was not even in the room. Could it be that Eren was immune to it?

Levi's heart sank.

'We are not enough for Alpha....'

Levi slips out of the coach and went to his room. He hides himself under his sheets as he fights his instincts rumblings. Another cry slips out of his lips, surely this one will get the Alpha's attention. But nothing came.

"We failed Alpha....."

Levi can't hold back the tears anymore.

The routine went on, until the living room was converted as Eren's work place. And Levi started to feel that he never existed on the Alpha's life, Levi would eat alone and leave the house with no more kisses or simple good byes and going back home was worst, Eren would not notice that he's actually home. Levi tried to start a conversation but the Alpha's ringing phone would cut his attempt.

Levi will go to bed alone with his depress instincts rumbling at his head.

As days passed, Eren became more absorbed with his work because of some errors on the financial records and stuff. Levi tries to understand but it worsen his depression. He would not be active on school, he would space out during conversation with friends and he tend to be alone.

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