Chapter 12

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Eren paused from writing when he heard the bathroom door opened, Levi padded his way to Eren with a serious face. His appearance didn't change but the omega no longer gives off the sweet scent. Eren was thankful about, he doesn't know what else that sweet scent can do to him.

"Where are the cleaning supplies?" Levi barked.

"Oh, it's in here,." Eren rose from his chair and went the kitchen, Levi followed behind him.

He opened the cabinet full of cleaning products. Levi took all and pass some to Eren, instructing him to clean the living room while he cleaned the bathroom. Eren didn't argued because he already got a hint that his mate has an OCD, based on his observation during the time they eat their lunch. He quickly proceed to his task, motivated to get his omega's praises.

Levi's OCD activated and let's him forgets about his embarrassment after inspecting his suppose-to-be- hiding place which was the bathroom, it was clean but not enough. When he followed Eren to the kitchen, his eyes saw every speck of dust on the living room that he didn't see before. He was too focus about Eren leaving that he forgot about his own OCD. Maybe this was an opportunity to cure his OCD but he got other stuff to worry about. He was glad to see his alpha getting excited to clean.

Hours later..

"Eren, this is worse than shit. Clean this room again." Levi ordered. His standing in the center of the room, hands on hips like a boss.

Eren cleaned the living all afternoon, now the sun was setting his mate was still not please with his cleaning. Eren was so disappointed with himself, though the room was clean enough to him but that simply didn't satisfy his mate.

"Fine, I'll help you." Levi was about to grab the broom when Eren stopped him.

"Wait! Let me do this, instead why don't you relax for a while? Oh! It's sunset! You should check it out Levi!" Eren said excitedly.

The sunset. Why didn't Levi think of that and not just that, he' outside. Why did he even spend his days in doors?

"Is it ok if I got out for a while?" Levi asked looking at the door.

"Of course! Armin's house is far away from other buildings and houses so you can enjoy mother nature here the most. Though you can't see the sunsetting that much because of the--"

"I'm going out." Levi rushed and opening the door and dashed out, leaving Eren staring at his back until he's out of sight.

"Guess I have cleaning to do." Eren resumed to his task.


Levi sat on the grass watching crickets hop their way home, cicadas playing their tunes, birds flew to their nest while the bats came out to feed. He forgot about his OCD again, feeling the soft grass, picking up fallen leaves the were close to him running his fingers on it's paterns, enjoying the breeze as it passed to him. Looking up, he saw the sky turned orange to the shade of the up coming night.

He finally saw and felt these things and not just by looking at his teacher's story books or listening to his descriptions about the outside world.

But Levi knew he's not seeing the whole thing. Seeing the sun disappeared behind the tall walls, knowing that there's still more to it. He suddenly felt alone in the open without Eren next to him or his uncle. He felt small and lonely but he doesn't want to go back inside now. He wanted Eren here with him.


Levi blushed instantly as he remembered what he done to the Alpha hours ago. Covering his face with both hands to hide his red face, just in case the Alpha came to check him. 

So, that's how you seduce others? It was embarrassing yet effective but it WAS embarrassing. Levi couldn't believe he could do that. What would his Uncle have to say to him? What did Eren think?

He paused and stared at his hands, then his arms and legs. His skin changed? Not only their milk-white but they're also smooth.

Yawning, he set it aside, it's getting dark now and..... Levi blinked as he saw the first his first star, then another one came and another until Levi laid down on the grass watching until the sky was filled with blinking lights.

Eren leaned on the door way, letting Levi had his moment with his new world. After a few minutes, he couldn't take it any more, he joined the omega in the grass and Levi seem to relax more. Eren shared his knowledge about the constellations and new discoveries about space, about the new earth-like planets, about possibilities of aliens. Levi just laughed but reconsidered the ideas.

A quick bright light sliced through the sky. Eren excitedly cheered. "Levi! That was a shooting star! Hurry let's make a wish!" Eren exclaimed.

"A wish? Ok," Levi whispered. He wished that he could see what the world could offer behind the sanctuary's walls. And he wanted to see it fast, he added.


Armin finally finished reading Mr. Zoe's research, the blonde notices something and it got him thinking. In the last page at the low end corner, Mr. Zoe had scribbled something. It said "Canceled".


edited 02/17/21

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